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Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

Ein Thema von nanix · begonnen am 19. Dez 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 19. Dez 2009
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Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 13:58

How to create such driver in delphi?

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Benutzerbild von Mithrandir

Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2008
Ort: Delmenhorst
2.379 Beiträge

Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 14:28
It's possible, but it's PITA and requires a lot of skill and time... So, better get a book about driver development and take C.. (no, not C++)...

Of course, you need the Windows DDK, which can be found at (imho...)
"In einer Zeit universellen Betruges wird das Aussprechen der Wahrheit zu einem revolutionären Akt." -- 1984, George Orwell
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Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 14:30
The chinese created Kernel Driver kit for delphi

[edit=Luckie]URL removed. See below. Mfg, Luckie[/edit]
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Benutzerbild von Mithrandir

Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2008
Ort: Delmenhorst
2.379 Beiträge

Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 14:40
Well... The Chinese... They do a lot of things. And it's not always good.

Besides, you have a link to this so-called "DDK". Why don't you explore it? Btw, the Archive contains the DCC32.exe from Delphi 11 (= 2007) Enterprise. So its illegal.
"In einer Zeit universellen Betruges wird das Aussprechen der Wahrheit zu einem revolutionären Akt." -- 1984, George Orwell
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Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 14:57
Once driver is create its not illegal no more
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Benutzerbild von Luckie

Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2002
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Delphi 2006 Professional

Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 15:04
Distributing this file is illegal no matter what you do with it once you downloaded the file.
Ein Teil meines Codes würde euch verunsichern.
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Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 15:07
or we just use lazarous problem solved!

With lazarus developing x64 drivers is 100% possible its just a matter of time.But it amazes me that noone decided to this yet?
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Benutzerbild von JamesTKirk

Registriert seit: 9. Sep 2004
Ort: München
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FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 18:22

On a completely related side note:

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Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 19:13
Yes!That might work!However did they translate whole DDK?
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Benutzerbild von JamesTKirk

Registriert seit: 9. Sep 2004
Ort: München
604 Beiträge
FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: Write Kernel Driver/Driver in Delphi

  Alt 19. Dez 2009, 20:17
The port is still young and experimental and moreover still waiting for commit into FPC's trunk. Also Microsoft's fastcall calling convention needs to be added to make this port really useful on x86 (it's no problem on x86_64 as there is only one calling convention on 64-bit Windows).

Currently I'm playing around with Usermode API, so I can implement the last parts of the RTL (Threading, I/O, Filesystem and handling of system exceptions). My plan is to translate NDK and DDK functions on demand (when they are needed).

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