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Sivv Open Source Projects by Jason Southwell

  Alt 5. Sep 2019, 22:20
Just wanted to point out these open source projects written by Jason Southwell, who in addition to being a well known Delphi developer out there is also my boss! Hi!

Anyways, I use these libraries where we both work, and I think you should all check them out.

SIVV Open source is on bitbucket ...

A few example projects:

Chimera Networking and JSON Library

Chimera project includes chimera.json, a very fast JSON library, and a bayeux (pubsub) network protocol client, and other things.


Networking/threading/async library. It recently grew some new "flux" like capabilities for event driven programming.


A nifty duck-typing facility built over delphi RTTI facilities. As the comments state in the project source:

// Instead of:
// if obj is TControl then
// TControl(obj).Visible := True
// You can simply call
// obj.duck.setTo('Visible',True);

The call will do nothing silently instead of blowing up if you had done a bad runtime cast. It's a nice pattern.

Discussion and questions on these components is at this site:


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