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DB Listview

Ein Thema von nanix · begonnen am 3. Dez 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 6. Dez 2009
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DB Listview

  Alt 3. Dez 2009, 11:59

I was wondering is there a listview control that supports database and groups.And it has to be listview

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Registriert seit: 6. Mai 2005
Ort: Berlin
4.956 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: DB Listview

  Alt 3. Dez 2009, 16:44
If you insist on a certain feature, you will likely not get what you want.

If you'd be more flexible, then you could find loads of solutions, one of them is the TVirtualStringTree. It is extremely flexible and would be able to simulate the look and feel of a listview.

btw: A genuine list view is a microsoft control and does not support grouping.
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Benutzerbild von Bernhard Geyer
Bernhard Geyer

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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: DB Listview

  Alt 3. Dez 2009, 16:45
Zitat von alzaimar:
btw: A genuine list view is a microsoft control and does not support grouping.
AFAIK starting with Windows XP grouping is supported by the Win32-Control.
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Re: DB Listview

  Alt 3. Dez 2009, 16:53
So what do you advise me that i use soft gem's virtual treelist? But how to load data to it..and update it?
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Re: DB Listview

  Alt 6. Dez 2009, 11:45
So no solution about this?
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