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Registriert seit: 11. Aug 2012
Ort: Essen
1.652 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

AW: "Optimale Breite" bei StringGrid einstellbar?

  Alt 9. Aug 2019, 09:09
/// Resizes the columns of a TCustomGrid to fit their contents
/// @param Grid is the TCustomGrid to work on
/// @param Options is a TResizeOptionSet specifying additional options,
/// defaults to an empty set.
/// @param RowOffset gives the first row to use, -1 means "start at the first non-fixed row"
/// @param ConstantCols is an array containg the indexes of columns that should keep their
/// width.
/// @returns True, if the grid is not wide enough to display all columns (that is: It should
/// have a horizontal scrollbar)
/// False, if all columns fit without scrolling
/// @note that the default is to use the first 10 rows. </summary>
function TGrid_Resize(_Grid: TCustomGrid): Boolean; overload;
function TGrid_Resize(_Grid: TCustomGrid; _Options: TResizeOptionSet; _RowOffset: Integer = -1): Boolean; overload;
function TGrid_Resize(_Grid: TCustomGrid; _Options: TResizeOptionSet;
const _ConstantCols: array of Integer; _RowOffset: Integer = -1): Boolean; overload;

Thomas Mueller
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