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Registriert seit: 11. Aug 2012
Ort: Essen
1.642 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

AW: Falsches gepacktes Unitformat??

  Alt 3. Jul 2019, 17:13

E2213 Falsches Package-Unit-Format: %s.%s (Delphi

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E2213 Bad packaged unit format %s.%s (Delphi)

Go Up to Error and Warning Messages (Delphi)

When the compiler attempted to load the specified unit from the package, it was found to be corrupt. This problem could be caused by an abnormal termination of the compiler when writing the package file (for example, a power loss). The first recommended action is to delete the offending DCP file and recompile the package.
Thomas Mueller
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