.. but whith muutexes you have to decide how many instances can be started - at design time.
Uh, no. A
Mutex is based on a name, a string, and strings can be built at runtime. Example from one of my projects where the
mutex name is based on a concatenation of several strings:
Using usernames and an appended counter instead is trivial. Reading the information that user A can start the application X times and user B can start it only once is trivial, too (Registry, INI,
XML, whatever). Use that in conjunction with a for-loop that tries to create mutexes until either all of them already exist, or the maximum allowed instances are reached, and you have reached your goal.
So far, my research gave me:
- I have to list processes in TS session
- I have to get username from TS enviroment which is logged in
and simple compare number of instances in question with number of those processes already running.
Is this wrong approach ?
Yet to figure out how to read logged user and processes over
Win32 API 