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Registriert seit: 9. Apr 2006
1.683 Beiträge
Delphi 5 Professional

AW: limiting number of instances in Windows terminal server

  Alt 5. Jun 2019, 09:22
.. but whith muutexes you have to decide how many instances can be started - at design time.
Uh, no. A Mutex is based on a name, a string, and strings can be built at runtime. Example from one of my projects where the mutex name is based on a concatenation of several strings:hMutex:= CreateMutex(nil, True, PRODUCTNAME + PRODUCTNAME + PRODUCTCOPYRIGHT); Using usernames and an appended counter instead is trivial. Reading the information that user A can start the application X times and user B can start it only once is trivial, too (Registry, INI, XML, whatever). Use that in conjunction with a for-loop that tries to create mutexes until either all of them already exist, or the maximum allowed instances are reached, and you have reached your goal.

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