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RAD Server Webinar Repay and Ebook by David I

  Alt 15. Mai 2019, 11:40
While Embarcadero keeps adding features to RAD Server (more to come soon) we have made some additional effort to help developers better understand how to use RAD Server for hosting REST APIs and building a modern web service architecture.

We have asked David I to help and he delivered for us:

  • An in-depth 200 pages e-book covering RAD Server development and deployment. It is available for free to customers of the Enterprise and Architect editions of Delphi and C++Builder, or RAD Studio. The link is*https://cc.embarcadero.com/item/30879
  • A detailed webinar covering some of the e-book content. This was live last week (sorry for letting so much time go without blogging!) but it is still available as a replay:*https://register.gotowebinar.com/reg...08835024540171

As mentioned, we are planning further development for RAD Server, stay tuned for more info and let me know your ideas for improvements.

PS: Today we have another great webinar coming, with Cary Jensen covering FireDAC:*https://register.gotowebinar.com/reg...10006328910605


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