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Simulate the movement of bubbles

  Alt 15. Mai 2019, 09:20
For the physics aficionados here have an application that simulates very realistically the movement of bubbles. To change the speed of your movement you only have to modify the "interval" property of the Timer1 component. Made by Daniel. Davies @ blueyonder. Co. ukUNIT Unit1; INTERFACEUSES Windows, messages, SysUtils, classes, graphics, controls, forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; TYPE TForm1 = CLASS (TForm) Image1: TImage; Timer1: TTimer; PROCEDURE FormCreate (sender: TObject); PROCEDURE Timer1Timer (sender: TObject); PROCEDURE QuitClick (sender: TObject); PROCEDURE Image1Click (sender: TObject); PRIVATE {Private declarations} PUBLIC {Public declarations} END; TYPE co_ordinate = RECORD x, y: integer; END TYPE scanline = ARRAY [0.. 319] OF byte; VAR Form1: TForm1; Threshold: integer; Blobimage: Tbitmap; BLOBs: ARRAY [0.. 5] OF co_ordinate; Frame: Cardinal; Drawing: Boolean; IMPLEMENTATION {$R *. DFM} PROCEDURE TForm1. FormCreate (sender: TObject); VAR Temp: Integ

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