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Presenting RAD Studio 10.3.1 in Dublin and London Next Week

  Alt 27. Feb 2019, 01:01
The first event is on Tuesday, March 5th, at*Dublin City University during the morning. Given the location the first session will be an introduction with a significant focus on Community Edition and its role, while a second*session will be focused more on existing customers and code migration and application modernization. More information and sign up at*https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rad-s...ts-56196767043.

The second event is on Wednesday, March 6th at Wellcome Collection in London, during the afternoon. This will be a more standard presentation with a roadmap session and the same session on modernization and code migration. And a drink at the end. More information and sign up at*https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rad-s...ts-56348046524.

At both events I'll have time for questions, chatting, and even possibly spend some time together over a beer with anyone local. Feel free to ping me directly over email to arrange. I'm*looking forward to meet customers and developers interested in evaluating our tools, so feel free to extend the invite to other developers you know.

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