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IEVision implements Tesseract 4 for more accurate OCR in Delphi/C++

  Alt 26. Feb 2019, 05:21
We have just released a major update to IEVision, our advanced tools add-in for Delphi and C++ Builder. This update implements Tesseract 4 for more accurate OCR.

About IEVision, Advanced Features Add-In

The easiest way to add powerful functionality to ImageEn is with the IEVision add-in:
· OCR: Image to Text Conversion
· Barcode Recognition
· Patching of images (to hide blemishes and copy content)
· Photo Stitching
· Face and object detection and tracking
· Advanced image processing algorithms

More Info and screenshots: http://www.imageen.com/IEVision/
Demos: http://www.imageen.com/demos/index.html#IEVision

Top Five Enhancements in IEVision 5.0.0

1. Now supports Tesseract 4 for much faster and more accurate OCR (Error Reduction Statistics: English: -30%, French: -50%, Spanish: -46%, Russian: -79%, Hebrew: -32%, Chinese: -22%, Korean -79%, etc.)
2. Sixty languages added to OCR, such as: Armenian, Breton, Corsican, Filipino, Gaelic, Mongolian, Maori, Tongan
3. New PDF generation class to create searchable (OCRed) PDF documents from images
4. New OCR properties to detect advanced formatting (Sub/Superscript, dropped caps, etc)
5. Other improvements and fixes

Upgrading to IEVision 5.0.0

Purchase or upgrade IEVision at:


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