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Alter Mann

Registriert seit: 15. Nov 2003
Ort: Berlin
948 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

AW: Bild um 270° drehen

  Alt 20. Feb 2019, 11:09
Versuch es hiermit mal:
procedure RotateBitmap(Degree: Word; Source, Dest: TBitmap);
  Points: array[0..2] of TPoint;
  Angle: Double;
  X1, X2,
  Y1, Y2: integer;
  if Degree <= 360 then
    Angle:= (Degree- Degree div 90* 90)/ 180* pi;
    X1:= Round(Source.Width* sin(Angle));
    X2:= Round(Source.Width* cos(Angle));
    Y2:= Round(Source.Height* sin(Angle));
    Y1:= Round(Source.Height* cos(Angle));
    Case Degree of
      0..89, 360:
        Points[1] := Point(X2, 0);//rechts oben
        Points[0] := Point(0, X1);//links oben
        Points[2] := Point(Y2, Y1+ X1);//links unten
        Dest.Width:= X2+ Y2;
        Dest.Height:= Y1+ X1;
        Points[1] := Point(0, Y2);//rechts oben
        Points[0] := Point(X1, Y2+ X2);//links oben
        Points[2] := Point(X1+ Y1, X2);//links unten
        Dest.Width:= Y1+ X1;
        Dest.Height:= X2+ Y2;
        Points[1] := Point(Y2, X1+ Y1);//rechts oben
        Points[0] := Point(Y2+ X2, Y1);//links oben
        Points[2] := Point(X2, 0);//links unten
        Dest.Width:= X2+ Y2;
        Dest.Height:= Y1+ X1;
        Points[1] := Point(X1+ Y1, X2);//rechts oben
        Points[0] := Point(Y1, 0);//links oben
        Points[2] := Point(0, Y2);//links unten
        Dest.Width:= Y1+ X1;
        Dest.Height:= X2+ Y2;
    PlgBlt(Dest.Canvas.Handle, Points, Source.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Source.Width, Source.Height, 0, 0, 0);
Habe ich hier in der DP gefunden.
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