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[FMX] [Tip], change the font size in Firefox monkey TComboBox

  Alt 20. Feb 2019, 09:40
Fire monkey of TComboBox to provide properties such as the TextSetting and not the font settings will be limited through the combo box (TComboBox). code of the font will guide you through how to set up the code, change the font size combo box with 20 p r o c e d: u r e StyleComboBoxItems (ComboBox: TComboBox; Size:Single);var Item : TListBoxItem; i : Integer;begin for i := 0 to ComboBox.Count-1 do begin Item := ComboBox.ListItems[i];Item.Font.Family := Family; 'Arial'; Item.Font.Size := Size; 20; Item.FontColor := TAlphaColorRec.R

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