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GetIt is broken, please fix it Embarcadero

  Alt 17. Dez 2018, 17:50
Various people, including myself are having problems with GetIt returning license errors instead of installing the thing it should install. Even on free items like the Jedi JVCL library, you can get this error:

It's not a blocker when you can install Jedi yourself from source (clone the git repo, download a zip from sourceforge, but where it really affects the product is when you build an Android firemonkey app the first time. You get a prompt to install the tools with getit, and getit having failed, your only choice is to uninstall delphi and reinstall from the ISO, instead of from the web installer.

I hope Embarcadero fixes this soon. If anyone knows a workaround to get Getit to function, I will edit this post, and I will update it once a fix is released. Above is with Delphi 10 seattle, which many projects I work on are using still

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