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Registriert seit: 10. Nov 2013
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AW: SetThreadDesktop function: How show a Form in any active desktop?

  Alt 8. Dez 2018, 00:28

Change the code above this way:

if not IsSameDesktop(HOldDesk, HNewDesk) then

    if (not SetThreadDesktop(HNewDesk)) then
      WriteLn('SetThreadDesktop Failed.');
    Form1 := TForm1.Create(nil);
will work fine only by the first time that SetThreadDesktop function is called before window creation, already when this piece of code:

while True do
    if InputDesktopSelected then
      //CopyScreen(FScrBmp, FIndex)
    else if SelectDesktop(nil) then
      //CopyScreen(FScrBmp, FIndex);
is executed by the 2nd time, SetThreadDesktop will fails because already exists a window created in same thread that call SetThreadDesktop. Then probably the solution to this could be create and execute a new thread with all the 2nd piece of code of this answer.
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