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ImageEn Imaging Library Update for 10.3 Rio (Trial available)

  Alt 26. Nov 2018, 23:50
ImageEn v8.1.2 has now been released to add support for Delphi/C++Builder 10.3 Rio.

ImageEn is a powerful native image display, editing and processing library. Learn more at: www.imageen.com

We now have a trial version, which is available via GetIt in the Delphi IDE, or our web site at: www.imageen.com/demos/

There are also 200 pre-compiled demo applications so you can instantly try all our features.

Top Five Enhancements

1. Enhanced TImageEnLayerMView with background layer locking and custom hover hints

2. Layer Properties dialog improvements including drawing of Line End shapes in combobox, plus optional image-only display for all combobox captions

3. Polyline layers can be created from a selection

4. All pages can be previewed when printing posters

5. Full localization support for Russian and Dutch languages

Complete Change History: www.imageen.com/info/history.html

The update is free to all users who purchased a license or extension after 26 Novemeber 2017. You can download at: www.imageen.com/support/downloadrequest.html

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