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Benutzerbild von TigerLilly

Registriert seit: 24. Mai 2017
Ort: Wien, Österreich
1.241 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Compiler für Personality "Delphi.Personality" und Plattform "Win32" fehlt ...

  Alt 20. Nov 2018, 23:04
Auf Anraten des Supports das Problem wie folgt gelöst:

As per checking this type of error, some few cases I found were resolved by performing a clean uninstall and install of the product which involved updating some registry on the user's machine. If you have not done this, please consider performing the below:
1. Remove any *.slip or reg*.txt files located in the following directory:

C:\Users\<your user name>

2. Delete the following folder:

C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero (this is a hidden folder which you need to enable first)

3. Clear out and delete all files and folders in your temp folder:

C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Temp

4. Perform a complete manual uninstall of 10.2 Tokyo:


5. Install the product once more

NOTE: Please make sure that when you run the install of the program, you have your antivirus/firewall temporarily disabled and you should be running the executable file as Administrator (right click the exe and select "Run as Administrator")
Aber Achtung: Danach hat man ein cleanes Setup ohne 3rdParty.
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