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  Alt 8. Nov 2018, 11:11
Geht es um diese Datei? https://www.eehelp.com/question/tracking-tool/

Zitat von https://www.eehelp.com/question/tracking-tool/:
Satellite Pro C70 - B - 14 X - file TecoACDC.csv created automatically

If you create a folder c:\temp on the toshiba Satellite Pro C70-B-14 X
a TecoACDC.csv file is automatically created (probably by a toshiba tracking tool)

This file contains the values of power and voltage and adds every 2 seconds with the current values.
It seems to be a bug, because the file exists only if the user creates c:\temp and the file prevents more and more.

This means that it will subsequently use to the top of a lot of space.
Has anyone else seen this problem, or got a fix (apart from deleting the folder c:\temp)
Thank you.

I guess it's a temporal file created by Toshiba ECO Utility. I guess that the extension of the TDCA means mode, while the unit is connected to the power adapter.

TOSHIBA eco Utility helps you monitor your energy savings by showing real-time approximate energy consumption. In addition, it shows cumulative approximate consumption and approximate when accumulated energy saving ecomode daily, weekly and monthly.

I guess that the related information is stored in the temp. file.
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