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AW: Nur ausgewählte Einträge einer Listview drucken

  Alt 30. Sep 2018, 17:39
Ich kann dir nicht helfen, aber ich habe den Code mal durch den Formatter gejagt, damit man wenigstens eine Chance hat ihn zu lesen.
Ich würde den Code schon alleine deswegen nicht verwenden, weil er ein with enthält.

Ich kann dir aber sagen, dass du dort wo die ListView-Items durchgegangen werden prüfen musst, ob das aktuelle Item checked ist oder nicht.

procedure tform1.PrintListview(oListView: TListView; PrintDialog: TPrintDialog; lvTitel: string);
 pWidth, pHeight, i: Integer;
 v, h: Real;
 CurItem, iColumnCount: Integer;
 aCols: array of Integer;
 iTotColsWidth, iInnerWidth, TopMarg, LinesOnPage, CurLine, TekstHeight, CurCol: Integer;
 CurRect: TRect;
 CurStr: string;
 CurLeft, NumPages, TmpPos: Integer;
 if PrintDialog.Execute then
   iColumnCount := oListView.Columns.Count;
   SetLength(aCols, iColumnCount + 1);
   Printer.Title := 'Mischungsliste';
   Printer.Copies := 1;
   Printer.Orientation := poLandscape;
   pHeight := Printer.PageHeight;
   pWidth := Printer.PageWidth;
   v := (pHeight + (2 * GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETY))) / (29.7 * 0.95);
   h := (pWidth + (2 * GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETX))) / 21;
   iTotColsWidth := 0;

   for i := 0 to iColumnCount - 1 do
    iTotColsWidth := iTotColsWidth + oListView.Columns[i].Width;

   aCols[0] := Round(1.5 * h); // left margin ?
   aCols[iColumnCount + 0] := pWidth - Round(1.5 * h); // rigth margin ?
   iInnerWidth := aCols[iColumnCount + 0] - aCols[0]; // space between margins ?

   for i := 0 to iColumnCount - 1 do
    aCols[i + 1] := aCols[i] + Round(oListView.Columns[i].Width / iTotColsWidth * iInnerWidth);

   TopMarg := Round(2.5 * v);

  with Printer.Canvas do
     Font.Size := 6;
     Font.Style := [];
     Font.Name := 'Times New Roman';
     Font.Color := RGB(0, 0, 0);
     TekstHeight := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight('dummy');
     LinesOnPage := Round((pHeight - (5 * v)) / TekstHeight);
     NumPages := 1;

     while (NumPages * LinesOnPage) < oListView.Items.Count do

     CurLine := 0;
     for CurItem := 0 to oListView.Items.Count - 1 do
       if (CurLine > LinesOnPage) or (CurLine = 0) then
         if (CurLine > LinesOnPage) then

         CurLine := 1;
         if Printer.PageNumber = NumPages then
           MoveTo(aCols[1], TopMarg);
           for i := 1 to iColumnCount - 1 do
             LineTo(aCols[i], TopMarg + (TekstHeight * (oListView.Items.Count - CurItem + 2)));
             MoveTo(aCols[i + 1], TopMarg);
           for i := 1 to iColumnCount - 1 do
             MoveTo(aCols[i], TopMarg);
             LineTo(aCols[i], TopMarg + (TekstHeight * (LinesOnPage + 1)));

         Font.Style := [fsBold];

         for i := 0 to iColumnCount - 1 do
           TextRect(Rect(aCols[i] + Round(0.1 * h), TopMarg - Round(0.1 * v), aCols[i + 1] - Round(0.1 * h), TopMarg + TekstHeight - Round(0.1 * v)),
            ((aCols[i + 1] - aCols[i]) div 2) + aCols[i] - (TextWidth(oListView.Columns.Items[i].Caption) div 2), TopMarg - Round(0.1 * v), oListView.Columns.Items[i].Caption);

         MoveTo(aCols[0] - Round(0.1 * h), TopMarg + TekstHeight - Round(0.05 * v));
         LineTo(aCols[iColumnCount] + Round(0.1 * h), TopMarg + TekstHeight - Round(0.05 * v));
         Font.Size := 8;
         Font.Style := [];
         TmpPos := (TextWidth(DateToStr(Date) + ' Seite: ' + IntToStr(Printer.PageNumber) + ' / ' + IntToStr(NumPages))) div 2;
         TmpPos := pWidth - Round(1.5 * h) - (TmpPos * 2);
         Font.Size := 8;
         Font.Style := [];
         TextOut(TmpPos, Round(0.5 * v), DateToStr(Date) + ' Seite: ' + IntToStr(Printer.PageNumber) + ' / ' + IntToStr(NumPages));
         Font.Size := 18;

         if TmpPos < ((pWidth + TextWidth(lvTitel)) div 2 + Round(0.75 * h)) then
          TextOut((pWidth - TextWidth(lvTitel)) div 2, Round(1 * v), lvTitel)
          TextOut(Round(3 * h), Round(1 * v), lvTitel);

         Font.Size := 7;
         Font.Style := [];

       CurRect.Top := TopMarg + (CurLine * TekstHeight);
       CurRect.Bottom := TopMarg + ((CurLine + 1) * TekstHeight);

       for CurCol := -1 to iColumnCount - 2 do
         CurRect.Left := aCols[CurCol + 1] + Round(0.1 * h);
         CurRect.Right := aCols[CurCol + 2] - Round(0.1 * h);

          if CurCol = -1 then
           CurStr := oListView.Items[CurItem].Caption
           CurStr := oListView.Items[CurItem].SubItems[CurCol];
          CurStr := '';

         CurLeft := CurRect.Left; // align left side

         // write string in TextRect
         TextRect(CurRect, CurLeft, CurRect.Top, CurStr);

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