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The heart rate monitor

  Alt 6. Sep 2018, 09:20
With Delphi, we can monitor the heart beat, using a Bluetooth LE this device application acts in client mode and start first thing it does is search for a server of which read the data from the heart rate. This server will be a device such as those who use runners as they make any career. When you press the "Scan" button begins the search for LE Bluetooth device that implements the service "Heart Rate" for this uses the "DiscoverDevices" method with a timeout and an array of TBluetooth UUID's, in this case BluetoothLE1.DiscoverDevices(2500, [) HRSERVICE]) where HRSERVICE is a standard. TBluetoothUUID = ' {0000180D-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB} then the timeout is triggered the method "OnEndDiscoverDevices" to discover the services available from a device using the method "Overload:System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController. GetServices", if you find them again when the method GetCharacteristic HRMEASUREMENT_CHARACTERISTIC: HRMEASUREMENT_CHARACTERISTIC: TBluetoothUUID = ' {0

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