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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007 97 Beiträge Delphi 7 Enterprise |
Please can any one help in converting this fltUser.h ( used in WDDK ) from C to Delphi .
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007 97 Beiträge Delphi 7 Enterprise |
I did some work using the C2PAS utility , please take a look at the attachment
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n/a Beiträge |
Please take a look at
![]() *where he provides the utility but that will not translate the whole code of all though it will help you to some extent.However there is a list of equivalents from C> Delphi. |
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007 97 Beiträge Delphi 7 Enterprise |
many thanks Sir Razor : i did the translation But i really need a Help in converting the Scanner User Mode :
// This the C Version :
And here is my Attempt into Delphi conversion :
ScannerWorker( __in PSCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT Context ) /*++ Routine Description This is a worker thread that Arguments Context - This thread context has a pointer to the port handle we use to send/receive messages, and a completion port handle that was already associated with the comm. port by the caller Return Value HRESULT indicating the status of thread exit. --*/ { PSCANNER_NOTIFICATION notification; SCANNER_REPLY_MESSAGE replyMessage; PSCANNER_MESSAGE message; LPOVERLAPPED pOvlp; BOOL result; DWORD outSize; HRESULT hr; ULONG_PTR key; while (TRUE) { // // Poll for messages from the filter component to scan. // result = GetQueuedCompletionStatus( Context->Completion, &outSize, &key, &pOvlp, INFINITE ); // // Obtain the message: note that the message we sent down via FltGetMessage() may NOT be // the one dequeued off the completion queue: this is solely because there are multiple // threads per single port handle. Any of the FilterGetMessage() issued messages can be // completed in random order - and we will just dequeue a random one. // message = CONTAINING_RECORD( pOvlp, SCANNER_MESSAGE, Ovlp ); if (!result) { // // An error occured. // hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); break; } printf( "Received message, size %d\n", pOvlp->InternalHigh ); notification = &message->Notification; assert(notification->BytesToScan <= SCANNER_READ_BUFFER_SIZE); __analysis_assume(notification->BytesToScan <= SCANNER_READ_BUFFER_SIZE); result = ScanBuffer( notification->Contents, notification->BytesToScan ); replyMessage.ReplyHeader.Status = 0; replyMessage.ReplyHeader.MessageId = message->MessageHeader.MessageId; // // Need to invert the boolean -- result is true if found // foul language, in which case SafeToOpen should be set to false. // replyMessage.Reply.SafeToOpen = !result; printf( "Replying message, SafeToOpen: %d\n", replyMessage.Reply.SafeToOpen ); hr = FilterReplyMessage( Context->Port, (PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER) &replyMessage, sizeof( replyMessage ) ); if (SUCCEEDED( hr )) { printf( "Replied message\n" ); } else { printf( "Scanner: Error replying message. Error = 0x%X\n", hr ); break; } memset( &message->Ovlp, 0, sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) ); hr = FilterGetMessage( Context->Port, &message->MessageHeader, FIELD_OFFSET( SCANNER_MESSAGE, Ovlp ), &message->Ovlp ); if (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_IO_PENDING )) { break; } } if (!SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE )) { // // Scanner port disconncted. // printf( "Scanner: Port is disconnected, probably due to scanner filter unloading.\n" ); } else { printf( "Scanner: Unknown error occured. Error = 0x%X\n", hr ); } } free( message ); return hr; } int _cdecl main ( __in int argc, __in_ecount(argc) char *argv[] ) { DWORD requestCount = SCANNER_DEFAULT_REQUEST_COUNT; DWORD threadCount = SCANNER_DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT; HANDLE threads[SCANNER_MAX_THREAD_COUNT]; SCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT context; HANDLE port, completion; PSCANNER_MESSAGE msg; DWORD threadId; DWORD retVal = 0; HRESULT hr; DWORD i, j; // // Check how many threads and per thread requests are desired. // if (argc > 1) { requestCount = atoi( argv[1] ); if (argc > 2) { threadCount = atoi( argv[2] ); } if (requestCount <= 0 || threadCount <= 0 || threadCount > 64) { Usage(); return 1; } } // // Open a commuication channel to the filter // printf( "Scanner: Connecting to the filter ...\n" ); hr = FilterConnectCommunicationPort( ScannerPortName, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &port ); if (IS_ERROR( hr )) { printf( "ERROR: Connecting to filter port: 0x%08x\n", hr ); return 2; } // // Create a completion port to associate with this handle. // completion = CreateIoCompletionPort( port, NULL, 0, threadCount ); if (completion == NULL) { printf( "ERROR: Creating completion port: %d\n", GetLastError() ); CloseHandle( port ); return 3; } printf( "Scanner: Port = 0x%p Completion = 0x%p\n", port, completion ); context.Port = port; context.Completion = completion; // // Create specified number of threads. // for (i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { threads[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ScannerWorker, &context, 0, &threadId ); if (threads[i] == NULL) { // // Couldn't create thread. // hr = GetLastError(); printf( "ERROR: Couldn't create thread: %d\n", hr ); goto main_cleanup; } for (j = 0; j < requestCount; j++) { // // Allocate the message. // msg = malloc( sizeof( SCANNER_MESSAGE ) ); if (msg == NULL) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto main_cleanup; } memset( &msg->Ovlp, 0, sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) ); // // Request messages from the filter driver. // hr = FilterGetMessage( port, &msg->MessageHeader, FIELD_OFFSET( SCANNER_MESSAGE, Ovlp ), &msg->Ovlp ); if (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_IO_PENDING )) { free( msg ); goto main_cleanup; } } } hr = S_OK; WaitForMultipleObjects( i, threads, TRUE, INFINITE ); main_cleanup: printf( "Scanner: All done. Result = 0x%08x\n", hr ); CloseHandle( port ); CloseHandle( completion ); return hr;
Many thanks
program Project1;
{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses windows, SysUtils, NtDefs in 'NtDefs.pas', rspFltUser in 'FltUser.pas', scanuk_h in 'scanuk_h.pas'; const SCANNER_DEFAULT_REQUEST_COUNT = 5; SCANNER_DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT = 2; SCANNER_MAX_THREAD_COUNT = 64; FoulString:String = 'foul'; type _SCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT = record Port: THandle; Completion: THandle; end; SCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT = _SCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT; PSCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT = ^_SCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT; // type _SCANNER_MESSAGE = packed record MessageHeader: FILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER; (**) (* Required structure header.*) (**) (**) (* Private scanner-specific fields begin here.*) (**) Notification: SCANNER_NOTIFICATION; (**) (* Overlapped structure: this is not really part of the message*) (* However we embed it instead of using a separately allocated overlap structure*) (**) // FOverlapped: TOverlapped; FPOverlapped: POverlapped; // end; SCANNER_MESSAGE = _SCANNER_MESSAGE; PSCANNER_MESSAGE = ^_SCANNER_MESSAGE; _SCANNER_REPLY_MESSAGE = packed record ReplyHeader: FILTER_REPLY_HEADER; (**) (* Required structure header.*) (**) (**) (* Private scanner-specific fields begin here.*) (**) Reply: SCANNER_REPLY; end; SCANNER_REPLY_MESSAGE = _SCANNER_REPLY_MESSAGE; PSCANNER_REPLY_MESSAGE = ^_SCANNER_REPLY_MESSAGE; // procedure Usage(); begin WriteLn('Connects to the scanner filter and scans buffers '#13#10''); WriteLN('Usage: scanuser [requests per thread] [number of threads(1-64)]'#13#10''); end; function ScanBuffer( Buffer:PUCHAR;BufferSize:Cardinal): BOOL; var p: PUCHAR; searchStringLength: ULONG; begin searchStringLength:=sizeof(FoulString)-sizeof(UCHAR); // for{while} P:=Buffer to (Buffer+BufferSize-searchStringLength) { // p++} //do begin // if RtlEqualMemory(p,FoulString,searchStringLength) //then begin WriteLN('Found a string'#13#10''); (**) (* Once we find our search string, we're not interested in seeing*) (* whether it appears again.*) (**) begin result:= LongBool(1); exit; end; end; end; begin result:= LongBool(0); exit; end; end; var FOverlapped: TOverlapped; FPOverlapped: POverlapped; Ovlp: OVERLAPPED; function ScannerWorker(Context:PSCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT): DWORD; var notification: PSCANNER_NOTIFICATION; replyMessage: SCANNER_REPLY_MESSAGE; message: PSCANNER_MESSAGE; pOvlp:LPOVERLAPPED; cResult: BOOL; outSize: DWORD; hr: HRESULT; key: DWORD; begin while LongBool(1) do begin (**) (* Poll for messages from the filter component to scan.*) (**) cResult:= GetQueuedCompletionStatus(Context^.Completion,outSize,key,FPOverlapped,INFINITE); // message:= CONTAINING_RECORD(pOvlp,SCANNER_MESSAGE,Ovlp); (**) (* Obtain the message: note that the message we sent down via FltGetMessage() may NOT be*) (* the one dequeued off the completion queue: this is solely because there are multiple*) (* threads per single port handle. Any of the FilterGetMessage() issued messages can be*) (* completed in random order - and we will just dequeue a random one.*) (**) if ( not cResult) then begin (**) (* An error occured.*) (**) hr:=(GetLastError()); break; {<= !!!b possible in "switch" - then remove this line} end; writeLn('Received message, size %d'#13#10'',pOvlp.InternalHigh); notification:= @message.Notification; assert(notification.BytesToScan<=SCANNER_READ_BUFFER_SIZE); // __analysis_assume(notification.BytesToScan<=SCANNER_READ_BUFFER_SIZE); cResult:= ScanBuffer(@notification^.Contents, notification^.BytesToScan); replyMessage.ReplyHeader.Status:= 0; replyMessage.ReplyHeader.MessageId:= message.MessageHeader.MessageId; replyMessage.Reply.SafeToOpen:=not cResult; WriteLN('Replying message, SafeToOpen: %d'#13#10'',replyMessage.Reply.SafeToOpen); (**) (* Need to invert the boolean -- result is true if found*) (* foul language, in which case SafeToOpen should be set to false.*) (**) hr:= FilterReplyMessage(Context.Port,@replyMessage,sizeof(replyMessage)); if SUCCEEDED(hr) then begin WriteLN('Replied message'#13#10''); end else begin WriteLN('Scanner: Error replying message. Error = 0x%X'#13#10'',hr); break; {<= !!!b possible in "switch" - then remove this line} end; ZeroMemory(@message.FPOverlapped,sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); hr:= FilterGetMessage(Context.Port,@message.MessageHeader,{(Ovlp)}600,@message.FPOverlapped); if hr<>(ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin break; {<= !!!b possible in "switch" - then remove this line} end; end; if ( not SUCCEEDED( hr )) then begin if hr=(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) then begin (**) (* Scanner port disconncted.*) (**) WriteLN('Scanner: Port is disconnected, probably due to scanner filter unloading.'#13#10''); end else begin WriteLN('Scanner: Unknown error occured. Error = 0x%X'#13#10'',hr); end; end; //free(message); begin result:= hr; exit; end; end; /// procedure main({argc: integer;argv:Integer } {!!!3 unknown typedef}); var requestCount: DWORD; threadCount: DWORD; threads: array [0..Pred(SCANNER_MAX_THREAD_COUNT)] of THandle; context: SCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT; port: THandle; completion: THandle; msg: PSCANNER_MESSAGE; threadId: DWORD; retVal: DWORD; hr: HRESULT; i: DWORD; j: DWORD; (**) (* Check how many threads and per thread requests are desired.*) (**) label main_cleanup; begin requestCount:=SCANNER_DEFAULT_REQUEST_COUNT; threadCount:=SCANNER_DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT; retVal:=0; if paramCount>1 then // if argc>1 // then begin requestCount:=StrToInt(ParamStr(1)); if paramCount>1 // if argc>2 then begin threadCount:=StrToInt(ParamStr(2)); end; if ((requestCount <= 0) or (threadCount <= 0 )or( threadCount > 64)) then begin Usage(); begin // result:= 1; exit; end; end; end; WriteLN('Scanner: Connecting to the filter ...'#13#10''); (**) (* Open a commuication channel to the filter*) (**) hr:= FilterConnectCommunicationPort(ScannerPortName,0,0{nil},0,0{nil},@port); if (hr<>S_Ok) then begin WriteLN('ERROR: Connecting to filter port: %d',hr); begin // result:= 2; exit; end; end; completion:= CreateIoCompletionPort(port,0{nil},0,threadCount); (**) (* Create a completion port to associate with this handle.*) (**) if completion=0{nil} then begin WriteLN('ERROR: Creating completion port: %d',GetLastError()); CloseHandle(port); begin // result:= 3; exit; end; end; WriteLN('Scanner: Port = 0x%p Completion = 0x%p',port,completion); context.Port:= port; context.Completion:= completion; (**) (* Create specified number of threads.*) (**) for{while} i:=0 to Pred(threadCount) { i++} do begin threads[i]:= CreateThread(nil,0,@ScannerWorker,POinter(context.port),0,threadId); if threads[i]=0{nil} then begin (**) (* Couldn't create thread.*) (**) hr:= GetLastError(); WriteLN('ERROR: Couldn'#39't create thread: %d',hr); goto main_cleanup; end; for{while} j:=0 to Pred(requestCount) { j++} do begin (**) (* Allocate the message.*) (**) msg:= AllocMem(sizeof(SCANNER_MESSAGE)); if msg=nil then begin hr:= ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto main_cleanup; end; ZeroMemory(@msg.FPOverlapped,sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); //Context.Port,@message.MessageHeader,{(Ovlp)}600,@message.FPOverlapped hr:= FilterGetMessage(port,@msg.MessageHeader,{(Ovlp)}600,@msg.FPOverlapped); (**) (* Request messages from the filter driver.*) (**) if hr<>(ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin freeMem(msg); goto main_cleanup; end; end; end; hr:= S_OK; WaitForMultipleObjects(i, @threads, TRUE, INFINITE); main_cleanup: WriteLN('Scanner: All done. Result = 0x%08x'#13#10'',hr); CloseHandle(port); CloseHandle(completion); begin // result:= hr; exit; end; end; /// begin { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here } main(); end. |
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007 97 Beiträge Delphi 7 Enterprise |
I use and declare the function FilterConnectCommunicationPort as follows :
function FilterConnectCommunicationPort(lpPortName: pWideChar; dwOptions: DWORD; lpContect: pBYTE; wSizeOfContext: WORD; lpSecurityAttributes: PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; hPort: PHANDLE): HRESULT;stdcall; external 'FLTLIB.dll'; Use :
But always the result is 'Not Connected'.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var hport: THANDLE; hr: HRESULT; ScannerPortName:pWideChar; begin ScannerPortName:='\\ScannerPort'; hr:=FilterConnectCommunicationPort(ScannerPortName,0, Nil, 0, Nil,,@hport); if hr=s_ok then showmessage('Connected') else showmessage('Not Connected'); //--> end; is there any error in my Delphi Code . |
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007 97 Beiträge Delphi 7 Enterprise |
Ok i did it Now i can connect to the Filter from my Delphi App :
the deal was to change : ScannerPortName:='\\ScannerPort' into ScannerPortName:='\ScannerPort'; ** But i still someone's help in conevrting this into Delphi :
int _cdecl
main ( __in int argc, __in_ecount(argc) char *argv[] ) { DWORD requestCount = SCANNER_DEFAULT_REQUEST_COUNT; DWORD threadCount = SCANNER_DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT; HANDLE threads[SCANNER_MAX_THREAD_COUNT]; SCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT context; HANDLE port, completion; PSCANNER_MESSAGE msg; DWORD threadId; DWORD retVal = 0; HRESULT hr; DWORD i, j; // // Check how many threads and per thread requests are desired. // if (argc > 1) { requestCount = atoi( argv[1] ); if (argc > 2) { threadCount = atoi( argv[2] ); } if (requestCount <= 0 || threadCount <= 0 || threadCount > 64) { Usage(); return 1; } } // // Open a commuication channel to the filter // // //FilterConnectCommunicationPort Now works with my DelphiApp // printf( "Scanner: Connecting to the filter ...\n" ); hr = FilterConnectCommunicationPort( ScannerPortName, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &port ); if (IS_ERROR( hr )) { printf( "ERROR: Connecting to filter port: 0x%08x\n", hr ); return 2; } // // Create a completion port to associate with this handle. // completion = CreateIoCompletionPort( port, NULL, 0, threadCount ); if (completion == NULL) { printf( "ERROR: Creating completion port: %d\n", GetLastError() ); CloseHandle( port ); return 3; } printf( "Scanner: Port = 0x%p Completion = 0x%p\n", port, completion ); context.Port = port; context.Completion = completion; // // Create specified number of threads. // for (i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { threads[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ScannerWorker, &context, 0, &threadId ); if (threads[i] == NULL) { // // Couldn't create thread. // hr = GetLastError(); printf( "ERROR: Couldn't create thread: %d\n", hr ); goto main_cleanup; } for (j = 0; j < requestCount; j++) { // // Allocate the message. // msg = malloc( sizeof( SCANNER_MESSAGE ) ); if (msg == NULL) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto main_cleanup; } memset( &msg->Ovlp, 0, sizeof( OVERLAPPED ) ); // // Request messages from the filter driver. // hr = FilterGetMessage( port, &msg->MessageHeader, FIELD_OFFSET( SCANNER_MESSAGE, Ovlp ), &msg->Ovlp ); if (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_IO_PENDING )) { free( msg ); goto main_cleanup; } } } hr = S_OK; WaitForMultipleObjects( i, threads, TRUE, INFINITE ); main_cleanup: printf( "Scanner: All done. Result = 0x%08x\n", hr ); CloseHandle( port ); CloseHandle( completion ); return hr; } |
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007 97 Beiträge Delphi 7 Enterprise |
Hi i Did the conversion But i get an Exception please see the attachment :
The Delphi Code :
Where's the Error PLease ..?
function ScannerWorker(Context:PSCANNER_THREAD_CONTEXT): DWORD;
var notification: PSCANNER_NOTIFICATION; replyMessage: SCANNER_REPLY_MESSAGE; msg: PSCANNER_MESSAGE; pOvlp:POVERLAPPED; bResult: BOOL; outSize: DWORD; hr: HRESULT; key: DWORD; begin While True Do begin bResult := GetQueuedCompletionStatus(Context^.Completion,OutSize,Key,pOvlp,INFINITE); Msg := PSCANNER_MESSAGE(@PSCANNER_MESSAGE(pOvlp)^.Ovlp); If Not(bResult) Then begin HR := HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); Break; end; WriteLN(Format('Received message: %d',[pOvlp.InternalHigh])); notification := @msg.Notification; assert(notification.BytesToScan<=SCANNER_READ_BUFFER_SIZE); // result := ScanBuffer( notification^.Contents, notification.BytesToScan ); replyMessage.ReplyHeader.Status:= 0; replyMessage.ReplyHeader.MessageId:= msg.MessageHeader.MessageId; replyMessage.Reply.SafeToOpen:=not bResult; WriteLN(Format('Replying message, SafeToOpen: %d',[ReplyMessage.Reply.SafeToOpen])); HR := FilterReplyMessage(Context^.Port,PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER(@ReplyMessage),SizeOf(ReplyMessage)); If SUCCEEDED(HR) Then begin WriteLN('Replied message'); end Else begin WriteLN(('Scanner: Error replying message. Error = 0x'+inttoHex(HR,2)));//[b]EXCEPTION:0x800703E6[/b] Break; end; FillChar(Msg^.FOverlapped,0,SizeOf(OVERLAPPED)); //#define FIELD_OFFSET(t, f) ((unsigned int)(unsigned long)&(((t *)0)->f)) HR := FilterGetMessage(Context^.Port,@Msg^.MessageHeader,DWORD(@PSCANNER_MESSAGE(0)^.FOverlapped),@Msg^.FOverlapped); If HR <> HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_IO_PENDING) Then Break; end; If Not(SUCCEEDED(HR)) Then begin If HR = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) Then begin WriteLN('Scanner: Port is disconnected, probably due to scanner filter unloading.'); end Else begin WriteLN(Format('Scanner: Unknown error occured. Error = 0x%x',<hr>)); end; end; FreeMem(Msg); Result := HR; end; |
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