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Change text of other App Edit Control

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 4. Okt 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 4. Okt 2009
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Benutzerbild von Meflin

Registriert seit: 21. Aug 2003
4.856 Beiträge

Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 14:34
Zitat von Razor:
Nobody...?Dont know or is it that almost everybody is lazy to hit the post button.
Where is your question?
Benutzerbild von DeddyH

Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
Ort: Barchfeld
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Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 14:36
"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein)
Dieser Tag ist längst gekommen

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Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 14:37
Question is: Why dosen't this work under win 7/vista?Please someone test it!
It only opens the dialog i knew how to do that on my own.So nothing new.


procedure WindowsSuchenDialog(Verzeichnis, Suchstring: string);
  hOtherWin, hFocusWin: HWND;
  OtherThreadID, iTimeOut: Integer;
  aDwordVar: DWORD;
  buf: array [0..40] of Char;
  sVerz: string;
  // ShellExecute(application.handle, 'find', 'c:\', nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
  // oder mit TDDEClientConv
  with TDDEClientConv.Create(nil) do
    ConnectMode := ddeManual;
    ServiceApplication := 'explorer.exe';
    SetLink('Folders', 'AppProperties');
    sVerz := IncludeTrailingBackslash(Verzeichnis);
    ExecuteMacro(PChar('[FindFolder(, '+ sVerz +')]'), False);
  iTimeOut := 0;
    { Warten, bis der Such Dialog erscheint. 
      Unter Win95/98/NT4 hat der Suchdilaog die Klasse #32770. 
      Unter ME/2000/XP ist die Suche in den Explorer integriert, 
      darum auf CabinetWClass warten}
    hOtherWin := GetForegroundWindow;
    buf[0] := #0;
    GetClassName(hOtherWin, buf, 60);
  until (StrComp(buf, '#32770') = 0) or (StrComp(buf, 'CabinetWClass') = 0) or (iTimeOut > 20);
  if iTimeOut > 20 then Exit;
    { Wait until it is visible }   
    { Warten, bis das Fenster erscheint }   
  until IsWindowVisible(hOtherWin);

  { Handle vom Control finden, welches den Fokus besitzt }   
  OtherThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessID(hOtherWin, @aDwordvar);
  if AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadID, OtherThreadID, True) then
    hFocusWin := GetFocus;
    if hFocusWin <> 0 then
        SendMessage(hFocusWin, WM_SETTEXT, 0, Longint(PChar(Suchstring)));
        AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadID, OtherThreadID, False);

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

Offtopic comment:@ DeddyH and others > Delphipraxis will be delphipraxis unique in its own weird bizzaree way.
Benutzerbild von toms

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
4.648 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 15:50
The answer was already given by sx2008.

This link might also be of interest: Windows Integrity Mechanism Design

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Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 15:52
Look toms no offense but you should really really update your Winspy 2008 in win 7 its showing completely diffrent handles.
WinID vs WinSpy 2008 = WinID wins by far!

The problem was WRONG HANDLE!
Benutzerbild von toms

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
4.648 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 16:00
Zitat von Razor:
The problem was WRONG HANDLE!
That's why I asked you the question "Is the message ShowMessage(..) shown?"

Zitat von Razor:
its showing completely diffrent handles.
Where exactly was the error? How does the FindWindow Code look like now?

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Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 16:06
Well its kind of weird but i will explain step by step:

Winspy 2008 gets handle alright but the last wndchild gets diffrent handle as reported in WINID;
if i used this procedure result would be nothing,but if used direct handle "number"
then it would change but WinID is reporting title change but it is not visible.Very cofusing

  wndMain := FindWindow('CabinetWClass','Search Results');
  if wndMain <> 0 then
    wndChild := FindWindowEx(wndMain, 0, 'WorkerW', nil);
    wndChild := FindWindowEx(wndChild, 0, 'ReBarWindow32', nil);
    wndChild := FindWindowEx(wndChild, 0, 'UniversalSearchBand', nil);
    wndChild := FindWindowEx(wndChild, 0, 'Search Box', nil);
    wndChild := FindWindowEx(wndChild, 0, 'SearchEditBoxWrapperClass', nil);
    wndChild := FindWindowEx(wndChild, 0, 'DirectUIHWND', nil)

As you can see here title is :www.delphipraxis something'' so it did change but not as it changes in IE search box.

IE search box works but only if you use direct HANDLE input no wndchild's and wndmain's

Now toms explain why does this happen

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Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 17:04
i believe toms that problem lies in DirectUIHwnd class.I am still searching what it is exactly.
Benutzerbild von fkerber

Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2003
Ort: Ensdorf
6.723 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 17:12

Please don't push within 24 hours!

Ciao, Frederic
Frederic Kerber

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Re: Change text of other App Edit Control

  Alt 4. Okt 2009, 18:41
Fkerber if you do not know the solution to this problem dont post please...
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