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TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) TCP-Handshake-Protokolls

Ein Thema von especta · begonnen am 1. Okt 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 2. Okt 2009
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Registriert seit: 28. Sep 2009
8 Beiträge

TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) TCP-Handshake-Protokolls

  Alt 1. Okt 2009, 00:25
TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) Handshake Protocol
Sendkey: Md5
Receivekey: Md5

"its not important what components are used for tcp indy,ics... "

please help my with example.

"Es ist nicht wichtig, was für TCP indy verwendet werden, ics ..."
bitte helfen Sie mit meinem Beispiel.
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.867 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) TCP-Handshake-Protokolls

  Alt 1. Okt 2009, 07:37
Which server application is used?
Markus Kinzler
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Registriert seit: 28. Sep 2009
8 Beiträge

Re: TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) TCP-Handshake-Protokolls

  Alt 1. Okt 2009, 22:33
Zitat von mkinzler:
Which server application is used?
Big Thanks for replay ....

server application is old managment data base using md5 Authentication to log in base .
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Registriert seit: 30. Nov 2005
Ort: München
5.777 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) TCP-Handshake-Protokolls

  Alt 1. Okt 2009, 22:42
how you have to send the md5 hash to the database
depends on how the database expects the md5hash
as a String or as a ByteCode?

How should the handshake work?
application md5(key) -> database (compares stored md5 hash with received md5hash)

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Registriert seit: 28. Sep 2009
8 Beiträge

Re: TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) TCP-Handshake-Protokolls

  Alt 2. Okt 2009, 02:47
Zitat von Klaus01:
how you have to send the md5 hash to the database
depends on how the database expects the md5hash
as a String or as a ByteCode?

How should the handshake work?
application md5(key) -> database (compares stored md5 hash with received md5hash)

Thanks Klaus for replay

its expects md5hash as Sring

application md5(key) -> database (compares stored md5 hash with received md5hash)
yes that is the way.

best regards
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Re: TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) TCP-Handshake-Protokolls

  Alt 2. Okt 2009, 02:54
So it seems as if everything were known. What exactly is your problem, anyway?
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Registriert seit: 28. Sep 2009
8 Beiträge

Re: TCP (md5 Authentifizierung) TCP-Handshake-Protokolls

  Alt 2. Okt 2009, 13:40
Zitat von Dax:
So it seems as if everything were known. What exactly is your problem, anyway?
i need small code example to start Thanks to all for replay
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