Ja, funktioniert jetzt. Allerdings ist das Zeitverhalten (mit Optimierung) noch schlechter als die Standardfunktion CountChar im StringHelper [...]
Dann scheint das aber stark systemabhängig zu sein. Bei mir sieht das so aus:
Benchmark: 1234588 miep(Data, 'X')
670 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: Ydobon Length(Data)-Length(StringReplace(Data, 'X', '', [rfReplaceAll]))
0 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: marabu Occurs(Data, 'X')
747 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: Missionar cCount(Data, 'X')
840 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: alzaimar IFCount(Data, 'X')
656 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: Uwe Raabe StringCountChar(Data, 'X')
654 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: KodeZwerg CountCharInString(Data, 'X')
248 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: KodeZwerg CharInStringA(Data, 'X')
593 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: Uwe Raabe CharCount(Data, 'X')
696 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
Benchmark: NeutralGeneral CharCount(Data, 'X')
532 Nanoseconds wasted. (found X = 8031 times)
"Programmers talk about software development on weekends, vacations, and over meals not because they lack imagination,
but because their imagination reveals worlds that others cannot see."