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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Eure besten Quellcode Kommentare...

  Alt 5. Jul 2018, 13:38
Heute darübergestolpert (ßßß von mir ersetzt)
unit ßßß;
  PROJECT    : ßßß
    Contains DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for carriage manager testautomation services. All DTOs
    contain are fields of data - there is no logic implemented in here. I did my best
    to prevent 'mistakes' of this sort, but please please do not implement logic in the

    ---- WARNING ---- WARNING ---- WARNING ---- WARNING ---- WARNING ---- WARNING ---- WARNING ---- WARNING ----
    *  If you want to use the Embarcadero JSON classes, there is one braindead implementation                  *
    *  detail you NEED to know about, before implementing your classes. They absolutely require                *
    *  your fields to be in the form:                                                                          *
    *                                                                                                          *
    *    FSomeField : String;                                                                                  *
    *    property SomeField : String read FSomeField write FSomeFields;                                        *
    *                                                                                                          *
    *  The reason for this is that they hardcoded add a 'F' character to the field names coming in from        *
    *  JSON. So if the JSON code says the field's name is 'foobar', they change that to 'Ffoobar', without      *
    *  any checks, without any choice, without any error message if (when) that braindead hack kills inter-    *
    *  operability. Anything not in that form (for example a member variable called m_something) will NOT      *
    *  be reconstituted back into the object, even though the parser DOES find the field in the JSON code,      *
    *  since THAT TOO WILL BE RENAMED to Fm_something! They do NOT check whether a field is a property before  *
    *  messing up the name! Furthermore, subsequent calls of serialization / deserializatoin lead to field      *
    *  names like FFFFFMyField. So please, just follow embarcadero's religion about how field names gotta      *
    *  look.                                                                                                    *
    *                                                                                                          *
    *  This is literally the worst JSON implementation I've ever seen and shows the complete lack of skill of  *
    *  embarcadero's 'engineers'.  -- ßßß                                                                      *
    *                                                                                                          *

    If you want to see where that hack is located, it's in the unit REST.JsonReflect, the function
    TJSONUnMarshal.ConvertFieldNameFromJson starting at line 2446 ff.

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