Thema: Delphi SpeedButton

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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: SpeedButton

  Alt 27. Jun 2018, 12:51
Auf SO habe ich eine Interessante Methode gefunden, aber vermutlich nützt das auch nichts wegen der Handle Geschichte.
function FindSubcontrolAtPos(AControl: TControl; AScreenPos, AClientPos: TPoint): TControl;
  i: Integer;
  C: TControl;
  Result := nil;
  C := AControl;
  if (C=nil) or not C.Visible or not TRect.Create(C.Left, C.Top, C.Left+C.Width, C.Top+C.Height).Contains(AClientPos) then
  Result := AControl;
  if AControl is TWinControl then
    for i := 0 to TWinControl(AControl).ControlCount-1 do
      C := FindSubcontrolAtPos(TWinControl(AControl).Controls[i], AScreenPos, AControl.ScreenToClient(AScreenPos));
      if C<>nil then
        Result := C;

function FindControlAtPos(AScreenPos: TPoint): TControl;
  i: Integer;
  f,m: TForm;
  p: TPoint;
  r: TRect;
  Result := nil;
  for i := Screen.FormCount-1 downto 0 do
      f := Screen.Forms[i];
      if f.Visible and (f.Parent=nil) and (f.FormStyle<>fsMDIChild) and
        TRect.Create(f.Left, f.Top, f.Left+f.Width, f.Top+f.Height).Contains(AScreenPos)
        Result := f;
  Result := FindSubcontrolAtPos(Result, AScreenPos, AScreenPos);
  if (Result is TForm) and (TForm(Result).ClientHandle<>0) then
    WinAPI.Windows.GetWindowRect(TForm(Result).ClientHandle, r);
    p := TPoint.Create(AScreenPos.X-r.Left, AScreenPos.Y-r.Top);
    m := nil;
    for i := TForm(Result).MDIChildCount-1 downto 0 do
      f := TForm(Result).MDIChildren[i];
      if TRect.Create(f.Left, f.Top, f.Left+f.Width, f.Top+f.Height).Contains(p) then
        m := f;
    if m<>nil then
      Result := FindSubcontrolAtPos(m, AScreenPos, p);
Das soll es einem ermöglichen in Fremd-Anwendungen das Control unter der Maus zu ermitteln. Ich habe es noch nicht getestet.
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