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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TFileStream crasht bei Dateiname=285 Zeichen mit Unicode

  Alt 27. Mai 2018, 23:07
Wenn Du ein commandprompt öffnest und da diese Zeichenkette reinkopierst und Return drückst, was passiert?


Good news ! you can reach 260 !


not with folders.

Because of the following rule: You should always be able to create a file with 12 chars in the name (including the extension, something like 8.3)

So, we have this:

c:\very-long-folder-name => MAX Length=(260-12-1) = 247. The trailing minus 1 is for the invisible NUL terminator.

Then, you can create a file in this folder with a name like this: 12345678.txt

So, we have our 260 chars for the whole path, including the file name, the extension, and the NUL terminator.

More details: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/lib...47(VS.85).aspx
Also Verzeichnisname = 247 Zeichen sind max.
Helfen kann es den Namen in den ShortName umzuwandeln!
Gruß vom KodeZwerg

Geändert von KodeZwerg (27. Mai 2018 um 23:12 Uhr)
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