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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TThread, irgendwas mache ich falsch

  Alt 4. Mai 2018, 22:17
Ok Danke nochmal für die vielen Warnungen, ich hatte eh das falsche hier her kopiert,
if CancelThread then if not Winapi.Windows.TerminateThread(MyThread.Handle, 0) then MyThread.Terminate; so war es.

Ich habe nun die zweite Code Variante erfolgreich umgesetzt

Hier mein jetziger Code:
procedure TFormMain.GetTHTTPClient ( Const xURL : String );
Var tmp : String;
    Watch : TStopwatch;
  Watch := TStopWatch.Create();
     HttpClient: System.Net.HttpClient.THttpClient;
     HttpResponse: System.Net.HttpClient.IHttpResponse;
      HttpClient := System.Net.HttpClient.THTTPClient.Create;
        HttpClient.UserAgent := 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3 */*';
        HttpClient.MaxRedirects := 10;
        HttpClient.HandleRedirects := True;
        HttpClient.ContentType := '*/*';
        HttpClient.Accept := '*/*';
        HttpClient.ResponseTimeout := 5000;
        HttpClient.ConnectionTimeout := 5000;
          HttpResponse := HttpClient.Get( xURL );
          tmp := HttpResponse.ContentAsString();
          on e: System.SysUtils.Exception do
            tmp := 'Error Occured @ '+xURL+' - '+e.Message;
           FinishTread(xURL, tmp, Watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

procedure TFormMain.FinishTread( Const sUrl, sData: String; Const Millisecs : Int64 );
 i: Integer;
  DataString := sData;
  if System.Length(DataString) > 0 then
    MemoText.Lines.Text := DataString;
    i := System.Length(MemoText.Lines.Text) ;
    MemoText.Lines.Add('HTTP/S HTML Source from: '+sURL);
    if System.Length(DataString)-i < 0 then MemoText.Lines.Add('Downloaded: '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(System.Length(DataString)) +' bytes, displaying: ' +System.SysUtils.IntToStr(i)+ ' chars. Additional added '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(i-Length(DataString))+' extra Unicode bytes.');
    if System.Length(DataString)-i = 0 then MemoText.Lines.Add('Downloaded: '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(System.Length(DataString)) +' bytes, displaying: ' +System.SysUtils.IntToStr(i)+ ' chars. Plain Ascii detected.');
    if System.Length(DataString)-i > 0 then MemoText.Lines.Add('Downloaded: '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(System.Length(DataString)) +' bytes, displaying: ' +System.SysUtils.IntToStr(i)+ ' chars. Warning! '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(System.Length(DataString)-i)+' bytes missing in Display!');
    if CheckBoxBenchmark.Checked then
      if (((ComboBoxBitsBytes.ItemIndex = 0)or(ComboBoxBitsBytes.ItemIndex = 1))and((ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 0)or(ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 1))) then
        MemoText.Lines.Add('Downloaded needed '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(Millisecs)+' ms, that is '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF(Length(DataString) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' bytes/second <-> '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF((Length(DataString) / 1024) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' kbyte/s <-> '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF((Length(DataString) / 1024 / 1024) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' mbyte/s.');
      if (((ComboBoxBitsBytes.ItemIndex = 0)or(ComboBoxBitsBytes.ItemIndex = 2))and((ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 0)or(ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 1))) then
        MemoText.Lines.Add('Downloaded needed '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(Millisecs)+' ms, that is '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF((Length(DataString)*8) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' bits/second <-> '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF(((Length(DataString)*8) / 1024) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' kbit/s <-> '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF(((Length(DataString)*8) / 1024 / 1024) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' mbit/s.');
      if ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 0 then
        MemoText.Lines.Add('Above calculations based on 1024 byte = 1 kb for your pleasure 1000 byte = 1 kb follows.');
      if (((ComboBoxBitsBytes.ItemIndex = 0)or(ComboBoxBitsBytes.ItemIndex = 1))and((ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 0)or(ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 2))) then
        MemoText.Lines.Add('Downloaded needed '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(Millisecs)+' ms, that is '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF(Length(DataString) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' bytes/second <-> '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF((Length(DataString) / 1000) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' kbyte/s <-> '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF((Length(DataString) / 1000 / 1000) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' mbyte/s.');
      if (((ComboBoxBitsBytes.ItemIndex = 0)or(ComboBoxBitsBytes.ItemIndex = 2))and((ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 0)or(ComboBoxByteCalc.ItemIndex = 2))) then
      MemoText.Lines.Add('Downloaded needed '+System.SysUtils.IntToStr(Millisecs)+' ms, that is '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF((Length(DataString)*8) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' bits/second <-> '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF(((Length(DataString)*8) / 1000) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' kbit/s <-> '+System.SysUtils.FloatToStrF(((Length(DataString)*8) / 1000 / 1000) / (Millisecs / 1000), ffFixed, 35, 2)+' mbit/s.');
  ButtonDownload.Enabled := True;

procedure TFormMain.ButtonDownloadClick(Sender: TObject);
  ButtonDownload.Enabled := False;
  MemoText.Lines.Add('Downloading Data from ' +Temp1);
  MemoText.Lines.Add('Please Wait...');
  GetTHTTPClient( 'https://www.google.com/' ); // hier startet nun der thread und macht sein ding bis er fertig ist.
Danke sehr! Funktioniert soweit so gut, jetzt meine Frage, wie kann ich Download abbrechen?
Meine Methode mit einem Boolean als Trigger war ja die Falsche und erst recht der Befehl zum beenden.
Gruß vom KodeZwerg
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