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Firebird 2.1.3 veröffentlicht

Ein Thema von MagicAndre1981 · begonnen am 9. Sep 2009
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Registriert seit: 4. Jun 2004
Ort: Nordhausen
2.214 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Firebird 2.1.3 veröffentlicht

  Alt 9. Sep 2009, 13:21
Datenbank: FireBird • Version: 2.1.3 • Zugriff über: egal
Firebird 2.1.3 is a patch release addressing several bugs that have surfaced since the original v.2.1 and the v.2.1.2 sub-release some months ago.

This patch release includes no new functionality but the following issues should be noted:

* The default authentication method on Windows platforms is no longer mixed. It has been changed to native. For more information, see the release notes on the configuration parameter Authentication.

* A fix in Firebird 2.5 that alleviates the "hogging" behaviour of the nBackup utility has been backported to this patch release. For more information, see the Improvement in V.2.1.3 note in the nBackup section of the Utilities chapter of the release notes.

* There are no v.2.1.3 non-NPTL builds for 32-bit Linux Superserver and no more will be made. If you are still using a 2003 or earlier Linux distribution that does not support the New POSIX Threading Model then you will need to upgrade your OS to use Firebird 2.1.3 and any future Superserver releases.

* By popular request, Dmitry Yemanov added some helpful performance guidelines pertaining to the internals of the database monitoring system (a.k.a. "MON$") to the release notes.

* Known issue :: Since V.2.1 (and still), although the engine will use the first space listed in TempDirectories, it fails to “hand on” sets to the any of the other configured spaces if the first space is exhausted. (Tracker reference CORE-2422). Because of the impact on related code, this regression could not be fixed for the V.2.1.3 patch release. The workaround for now is to ensure that you configure enough space in the single location that the engine can address.
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