Thema: Delphi Tessearact mit Delphi

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AW: Tessearact mit Delphi

  Alt 14. Mär 2018, 17:17
Welcher Readme?
Clone this repository to a local folder.
Obtain Tesseract 4.x binaries. There are many sources to download binaries from, or ways to build them. I recommend using latest version, build from master branch of the project.
In Windows: there is no official installer. You can download precompiled binaries (Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable x86 must be installed on the computer) and copy all DLL files to bin\. If you want to build Tesseract: compiling instructions (the easiest way is to use Visual Studio 2015/2017 and CPPAN).
Download trained language data files from tesseract-ocr/tessdata/ to bin\tessdata.
All examples in this repository require English data file (eng.traineddata).
Additionally examples\delphi-console-pdfconvert requires also osd.traineddata and pdf.ttf.
Markus Kinzler
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