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Registriert seit: 4. Apr 2008 400 Beiträge |
ich habe dazu nichts gefunden. Kann man einen PC überprüfen öb er über Standby Modus verfügt? Bei meinem PC gibt's ja Standby, bei meinem VirtualPC jedoch nicht. Wenn man das rausfinden kann, kann ich meinen Bring-Den-PC-In-Standby Mode deaktivieren. Gibt's da was dazu?
Delphi 2010, Update 4 & 5
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Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006 Ort: Barchfeld 27.656 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
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"Ich habe Angst vor dem Tag, an dem die Technologie unsere menschlichen Interaktionen übertrumpft. Die Welt wird eine Generation von Idioten bekommen." (Albert Einstein) Dieser Tag ist längst gekommen |
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Registriert seit: 4. Apr 2008 400 Beiträge |
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unit PowrProf;
interface uses Windows, Messages; const POWER_ACTION_CRITICAL = 1; //Forces a critical suspension. POWER_ACTION_DISABLE_WAKES = 2; //Disables all wake events. POWER_ACTION_LIGHTEST_FIRST = 4; //Uses the first lightest available sleep state. POWER_ACTION_LOCK_CONSOLE = 8 ; //Requires entry of the system password upon resume from one of the system standby states. POWER_ACTION_OVERRIDE_APPS = 16; //Ignores applications that do not respond to the PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND event broadcast in the WM_POWERBROADCAST message. POWER_ACTION_QUERY_ALLOWED = 32; //Broadcasts a PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND event to each application to request permission to suspend operation. POWER_ACTION_UI_ALLOWED = 64; POWER_FORCE_TRIGGER_RESET = 1; //Clears a user power button press. POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_EXEC = 2; //Specifies a program to be executed. POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_SOUND = 4; //User notified using sound. POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_TEXT = 8; //User notified using the UI. POWER_USER_NOTIFY_BUTTON = 16; //Indicates that the power action is in response to a user power button press. POWER_USER_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN = 32; type // =================== ENUMERATIONS =================== SYSTEM_POWER_STATE =(PowerSystemUnspecified, PowerSystemWorking, PowerSystemSleeping1, PowerSystemSleeping2, PowerSystemSleeping3, PowerSystemHibernate, PowerSystemShutdown, PowerSystemMaximum); POWER_ACTION = (PowerActionNone, PowerActionReserved, PowerActionSleep, PowerActionHibernate, PowerActionShutdown, PowerActionShutdownReset, PowerActionShutdownOff, PowerActionWarmEject); POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL = (AdministratorPowerPolicy, LastSleepTime, LastWakeTime, ProcessorInformation, ProcessorPowerPolicyAc, ProcessorPowerPolicyCurrent, ProcessorPowerPolicyDc, SystemBatteryState, SystemExecutionState, SystemPowerCapabilities, SystemPowerInformation, SystemPowerPolicyAc, SystemPowerPolicyCurrent, SystemPowerPolicyDc, SystemReserveHiberFile, VerifyProcessorPowerPolicyAc, VerifyProcessorPowerPolicyDc, VerifySystemPolicyAc, VerifySystemPolicyDc); // =================== STRUCTURES =================== POWER_ACTION_POLICY = record Action: POWER_ACTION; Flags: ULONG; EventCode: ULONG; end; PPOWER_ACTION_POLICY = ^POWER_ACTION_POLICY; SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL = record Enable: boolean; Spare: array[0..2] of UCHAR; BatteryLevel: ULONG; PowerPolicy: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; MinSystemState: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; end; PSYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL = ^SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL; BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE = record Granularity: ULONG; Capacity: ULONG; end; PBATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE = ^BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE; SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES = record PowerButtonPresent: boolean; SleepButtonPresent: boolean; LidPresent: boolean; SystemS1: boolean; SystemS2: boolean; SystemS3: boolean; SystemS4: boolean; SystemS5: boolean; HiberFilePresent: boolean; FullWake: boolean; VideoDimPresent: boolean; ApmPresent: boolean; UpsPresent: boolean; ThermalControl: boolean; ProcessorThrottle: boolean; ProcessorMinThrottle: UCHAR; ProcessorMaxThrottle: UCHAR; spare2: array[0..3] of UCHAR; DiskSpinDown: boolean; spare3: array[0..7] of UCHAR; SystemBatteriesPresent: boolean; BatteriesAreShortTerm: boolean; BatteryScale: array[0..2] of BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE; AcOnLineWake: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; SoftLidWake: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; RtcWake: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; MinDeviceWakeState: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; DefaultLowLatencyWake: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; end; PSYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES = ^SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES; USER_POWER_POLICY = record Revision: ULONG; IdleAc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; IdleDc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; IdleTimeoutAc: ULONG; IdleTimeoutDc: ULONG; IdleSensitivityAc: UCHAR; IdleSensitivityDc: UCHAR; ThrottlePolicyAc: UCHAR; ThrottlePolicyDc: UCHAR; MaxSleepAc: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; MaxSleepDc: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; Reserved: array[0..1] of ULONG; VideoTimeoutAc: ULONG; VideoTimeoutDc: ULONG; SpindownTimeoutAc: ULONG; SpindownTimeoutDc: ULONG; OptimizeForPowerAc: boolean; OptimizeForPowerDc: boolean; FanThrottleToleranceAc: UCHAR; FanThrottleToleranceDc: UCHAR; ForcedThrottleAc: UCHAR; ForcedThrottleDc: UCHAR; end; PUSER_POWER_POLICY = USER_POWER_POLICY; GLOBAL_USER_POWER_POLICY = record Revision: ULONG; PowerButtonAc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; PowerButtonDc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; SleepButtonAc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; SleepButtonDc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; LidCloseAc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; LidCloseDc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; DischargePolicy: array of SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL; GlobalFlags: ULONG; end; PGLOBAL_USER_POWER_POLICY = ^GLOBAL_USER_POWER_POLICY; MACHINE_POWER_POLICY = record Revision: ULONG; MinSleepAc: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; MinSleepDc: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; ReducedLatencySleepAc: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; ReducedLatencySleepDc: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; DozeTimeoutAc: ULONG; DozeTimeoutDc: ULONG; DozeS4TimeoutAc: ULONG; DozeS4TimeoutDc: ULONG; MinThrottleAc: UCHAR; MinThrottleDc: UCHAR; pad1: array[0..1] of UCHAR; OverThrottledAc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; OverThrottledDc: POWER_ACTION_POLICY; end; PMACHINE_POWER_POLICY = ^MACHINE_POWER_POLICY; GLOBAL_MACHINE_POWER_POLICY = record Revision: ULONG; LidOpenWakeAc: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; LidOpenWakeDc: SYSTEM_POWER_STATE; BroadcastCapacityResolution: ULONG; end; PGLOBAL_MACHINE_POWER_POLICY = ^GLOBAL_MACHINE_POWER_POLICY; POWER_POLICY = record user: USER_POWER_POLICY; mach: MACHINE_POWER_POLICY; end; PPOWER_POLICY = ^POWER_POLICY; GLOBAL_POWER_POLICY = record user: GLOBAL_USER_POWER_POLICY; mach: GLOBAL_MACHINE_POWER_POLICY; end; PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY = ^GLOBAL_POWER_POLICY; PWRSCHEMESENUMPROC = FARPROC; (* typedef BOOLEAN (CALLBACK* PWRSCHEMESENUMPROC)( UINT uiIndex, // power scheme index DWORD dwName, // size of the sName string, in bytes LPTSTR sName, // name of the power scheme DWORD dwDesc, // size of the sDesc string, in bytes LPTSTR sDesc, // description string PPOWER_POLICY pp, // receives the power policy LPARAM lParam // user-defined value ); *) // =================== FUNCTIONS =================== function CallNtPowerInformation(InformationLevel: POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL; lpInputBuffer: Pointer; nInputBufferSize: ULONG; lpOutputBuffer: Pointer; nOutputBufferSize: ULONG): cardinal; stdcall; function CanUserWritePwrScheme: boolean; stdcall; function DeletePwrScheme(uiIndex: UINT): boolean; stdcall; function EnumPwrSchemes(EnumPwrSchemesProc: PWRSCHEMESENUMPROC; lParam: LPARAM): boolean; stdcall; function GetActivePwrScheme(uiIndex: PUINT): boolean; stdcall; function GetCurrentPowerPolicies(pGlobalPowerPolicy: PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY; pPowerPolicy: PPOWER_POLICY): boolean; stdcall; function GetPwrCapabilities(lpSystemPowerCapabilities: PSYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES): boolean; stdcall; function GetPwrDiskSpindownRange(RangeMax: PUINT; RangeMin: PUINT): boolean; stdcall; function IsAdminOverrideActive: boolean; stdcall; function IsPwrHibernateAllowed: boolean; stdcall; function IsPwrShutdownAllowed: boolean; stdcall; function IsPwrSuspendAllowed: boolean; stdcall; //function LoadCurrentPwrScheme: boolean; stdcall; // 16 F 00002608 MergeLegacyPwrScheme function ReadGlobalPwrPolicy(pGlobalPowerPolicy: PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY): boolean; stdcall; function ReadPwrScheme(uiID: UINT; pPowerPolicy: PPOWER_POLICY): boolean; stdcall; function SetActivePwrScheme(uiID: UINT; lpGlobalPowerPolicy: PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY; lpPowerPolicy: PPOWER_POLICY): boolean; stdcall; function SetSuspendState(Hibernate: boolean; ForceCritical: boolean; DisableWakeEvents: boolean): boolean; stdcall; // 21 14 0000279E ValidatePowerPolicies function WriteGlobalPwrPolicy(pGlobalPowerPolicy: PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY): boolean; stdcall; function WritePwrScheme(uiID: UINT; lpszName: LPSTR; lpszDescription: LPSTR; pPowerPolicy: PPOWER_POLICY): boolean; stdcall; implementation function CallNtPowerInformation(InformationLevel: POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL; lpInputBuffer: Pointer; nInputBufferSize: ULONG; lpOutputBuffer: Pointer; nOutputBufferSize: ULONG): cardinal; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'CallNtPowerInformation'; function CanUserWritePwrScheme: boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'CanUserWritePwrScheme'; function DeletePwrScheme(uiIndex: UINT): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'DeletePwrScheme'; function EnumPwrSchemes(EnumPwrSchemesProc: PWRSCHEMESENUMPROC; lParam: LPARAM): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'EnumPwrSchemes'; function GetActivePwrScheme(uiIndex: PUINT): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'GetActivePwrScheme'; function GetCurrentPowerPolicies(pGlobalPowerPolicy: PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY; pPowerPolicy: PPOWER_POLICY): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'GetCurrentPowerPolicies'; function GetPwrCapabilities(lpSystemPowerCapabilities: PSYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'GetPwrCapabilities'; function GetPwrDiskSpindownRange(RangeMax: PUINT; RangeMin: PUINT): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'GetPwrDiskSpindownRange'; function IsAdminOverrideActive: boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'IsAdminOverrideActive'; function IsPwrHibernateAllowed: boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'IsPwrHibernateAllowed'; function IsPwrShutdownAllowed: boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'IsPwrShutdownAllowed'; function IsPwrSuspendAllowed: boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'IsPwrSuspendAllowed'; //function LoadCurrentPwrScheme:boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'LoadCurrentPwrScheme'; // 16 F 00002608 MergeLegacyPwrScheme function ReadGlobalPwrPolicy(pGlobalPowerPolicy: PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'ReadGlobalPwrPolicy'; function ReadPwrScheme(uiID: UINT; pPowerPolicy: PPOWER_POLICY): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'ReadPwrScheme'; function SetActivePwrScheme(uiID: UINT; lpGlobalPowerPolicy: PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY; lpPowerPolicy: PPOWER_POLICY): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'SetActivePwrScheme'; function SetSuspendState(Hibernate: boolean; ForceCritical: boolean; DisableWakeEvents: boolean): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'SetSuspendState'; // 21 14 0000279E ValidatePowerPolicies function WriteGlobalPwrPolicy(pGlobalPowerPolicy: PGLOBAL_POWER_POLICY): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'WriteGlobalPwrPolicy'; function WritePwrScheme(uiID: UINT; lpszName: LPSTR; lpszDescription: LPSTR; pPowerPolicy: PPOWER_POLICY): boolean; external 'powrprof.dll' name 'WritePwrScheme'; end.
Delphi 2010, Update 4 & 5
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