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[nonVCL] Graphics- Unit Lite

Ein Thema von turboPASCAL · begonnen am 22. Aug 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 22. Aug 2009
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Benutzerbild von turboPASCAL
Registriert seit: 8. Mai 2005

ich habe gerade eine kleine Unit for nonVCL zusammen gebastelt, um mir den Umgang
bei dem Zeichnen von Graphiken zu erleichtern.

Wer's brauch oder gebrauchen kann, bitte:

{*******************[        uNVCLGraphics for nonVCL        ]*****************}
{                                  Version 1.0                                 }
{                                                                              }
{               __                                                             }
{      / /_____                                                        }
{            / __/ __ \                                                        }
{           / /_/ /_/ /                                                        }
{          \__/  ___/                                                          }
{            /_/          turboPASCAL (tp) aka MatthiasG.                      }
{                                Member of [url][/url]                }
{                                                                              }
{*********************************[    2009    ]*******************************}

unit uNVCLGraphics; {Lite}




  clBlack = $00000000;
  clWhite = $00FFFFFF;
  clLGray = $00808080;
  clGray = $00C0C0C0;
  clDGray = $00404040;

  clRed = $000000FF;
  clLRed = $008080FF;
  clDRed = $00000080;

  clGreen = $0000FF00;
  clLGreen = $0080FF80;
  clDGreen = $00008000;

  clBlue = $00FF0000;
  clLBlue = $00FF8080;
  clDBlue = $00800000;

  clYellow = $0000FFFF;
  clDYellow = $00004040;

  TPenStyle = (psSolid, psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot, psClear);

  TFontStyle = (fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut);
  TFontStyles = set of TFontStyle;

  TPen = class
    DC: HDC;
    penColor: Cardinal;
    penStyle: TPenStyle;
    penWidth: integer;
    procedure ReCreate;
    procedure SetPenStyle(Style: TPenStyle);
    procedure SetPenWidth(Width: integer);
    procedure SetPenColor(Color: Cardinal);
    Handle: HPEN;
    constructor Create(DCHandle: HDC);
    destructor Destroy; override;

    property Color: Cardinal read penColor write SetPenColor;
    property Style: TPenStyle read penStyle write SetPenStyle;
    property Width: integer read penWidth write SetPenWidth;

  TBrush = class
    DC: HDC;
    brushColor: Cardinal;
    procedure ReCreate;
    Handle: HBRUSH;
    constructor Create(DCHandle: HDC);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure SetColor(Color: Cardinal);

    property Color: Cardinal read brushColor write SetColor;

  TFont = class
    DC: HDC;
    fontName: string;
    fontSize: integer;
    fontStyle: TFontStyles;
    fontColor: Cardinal;
    fontOrientation: integer;
    lf: TLogFont;
    procedure SetName(Name: string);
    procedure SetSize(Size: integer);
    procedure SetStyle(Style: TFontStyles);
    procedure SetColor(Color: Cardinal);
    procedure SetOrientation(Orientation: integer);

    procedure ReCreate;
    Handle: HFONT;
    constructor Create(DCHandle: HDC);
    destructor Destroy; override;

    property Name: string read fontName write SetName;
    property Size: integer read fontSize write SetSize;
    property Color: Cardinal read fontColor write SetColor;
    property Style: TFontStyles read fontStyle write SetStyle;
    property Orientation: integer read fontOrientation write SetOrientation;

  TGraphic = class
    Wnd: HWND;
    gDC: HDC;
    BoundsRect: TRect;

    pBmpBits: pointer;
    BmpInfo: BITMAPINFO;
    hBmp: HBITMAP;
    Pen: TPen;
    Brush: TBrush;
    Font: TFont;
    constructor Create(DCHandle: HDC; WndHandle: HWND; Left, Top, Width, Height: integer);
    destructor Destroy; override;

    function CreateGraphicBitmap(var BmpInfo: BITMAPINFO; const W, H: Integer; out BitmapBits: Pointer): HBITMAP;
    procedure Line(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
    procedure FillRect(r: TRect);
    procedure Ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
    procedure RoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, r1, r2: integer);
    procedure FrameRect(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); overload;
    procedure FrameRect(Rect: TRect); overload;
    procedure Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);
    procedure SetPixel(x, y: integer; Color: Cardinal);
    function GetPixel(x, y: integer): Cardinal;
    procedure TextOut(x, y: integer; Text: string);
    procedure DrawTo(DC: HDC; x, y: integer);
    procedure StretchDrawTo(DC: HDC; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer);

    procedure Invalidate(const EraseBackround: Boolean = FALSE);

      procedure LoadImageFromFile(Filename: string);
      procedure LoadImageFromResourceID(Instance: HInst; ResID: Integer);
      procedure LoadImageFromResourceName(Instance: HInst; ResName: PChar);

    // property Pixels: ... read GetPixels write Cardinal;
    property Bits: Pointer read pBmpBits;

  function Point(X, Y: Integer): TPoint;
  function Rect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): TRECT;


Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: exe test_120.exe (18,5 KB, 42x aufgerufen)
Dateityp: zip (5,5 KB, 70x aufgerufen)
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Benutzerbild von lbccaleb

Delphi 7 Enterprise
  Alt 22. Aug 2009, 20:37
Das so ähnlich wie diese Unit von der Seite:

NonVCL Canvas


Auf jedenfall kann man sowas immer mal gebrauchen, ja
Danke dafür...

PS: währe es schlimm für dich den bsp. Code deines Programms auch noch mit anzuhängen?
Um mal zu sehen wie es genau funzt?
Wofür ist die andere Unit, die oben unter Uses steht? Brauch man die auch?

Aso, gerade gesehen ist per Compilerschalter ausgeschaltet...
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat
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