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Benutzerbild von Uwe Raabe
Uwe Raabe

Registriert seit: 20. Jan 2006
Ort: Lübbecke
11.602 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: [InnoSetup] Select Additional Tasks Page

  Alt 26. Dez 2017, 13:02
Die Hilfe von InnoSetup ist da doch ziemlich eindeutig:
[Tasks] Section

This section is optional. It defines all of the user-customizable tasks Setup will perform during installation. These tasks appear as check boxes and radio buttons on the Select Additional Tasks wizard page.

By itself a task does nothing: it needs to be 'linked' to other installation entries. See Components and Tasks Parameters.
Uwe Raabe
Certified Delphi Master Developer
Embarcadero MVP
Blog: The Art of Delphi Programming
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