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Registriert seit: 12. Dez 2009
Ort: Eifel
1.238 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Architect

AW: IdTCPServer <-> IdTCPClient verändert Daten

  Alt 1. Dez 2017, 16:10
nun hab ich euch genug genervt. Habe das doch noch hinbekommen. Das OnExecute sollte so aussehen.

Trotzdem danke an alle

procedure TfMain.IdTCPServer1Execute(AContext: TIdContext);
  Cli :TIdTCPClient;
  IOhnd :TIdIOHandlerStack;
  Data :string;
  Len :Int64;
  Buf :TIdBytes;
    if ( PeerIPs.IndexOfName(AContext.Connection.Socket.Binding.PeerIP)<>-1 ) then begin //bekannt
    end else Exit;
    Cli := nil;
      // #### Create IOHandler ####
      { Create & Connect to Server }
      Cli.Host := GblUrl;
      Cli.Port := 80;
      { Connect to the remote server }
      { Read/Write loop }
        { Read data from Client }
        if ( AContext.Connection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.Size>0 ) then begin
          Len :=AContext.Connection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.Size;
          { Write it to the Server }
        { Read data from Server }
        if ( Cli.IOHandler.InputBuffer.Size>0 ) then begin
          { Write it to the Server }
        { Release system slizes }
        SleepEx(1, True);
      until (not AContext.Connection.Connected) or (not Cli.Connected);
      if Assigned(Cli) then
      { Disconnect real client }
      if ( Assigned(IOhnd) ) then begin
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