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Virus infects Delphi

Ein Thema von Andy BitOff · begonnen am 13. Aug 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Mär 2016
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Andy BitOff

Registriert seit: 11. Jun 2009
21 Beiträge

Virus infects Delphi

  Alt 13. Aug 2009, 10:21
A new virus infects Delphi installations.
Infected program searches for installed versions of Delphi and modifies SysConst.dcu in each of them; old version is saved as SysConst.bak.
After infection all Delphi projects compiled on this computer start infecting Delphi at every computer they are launched on. The virus does not cause any harm except “Runtime error 3” exception which appears when infected program is launched if registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Borland\Delphi\x.0 (x =4–7) contains wrong RootDir value.

Check your Delphi versions and if you find SysConst.bak then do the following:
1. Remove SysConst.dcu
2. Copy SysConst.bak to SysConst.dcu. The remaining SysConst.bak keeps system from repeated infections.

The virus does nothing, only distributed. Here is the code

uses windows;

var sc:array[1..24] of string=('uses windows; var sc:array[1..24] of string=(',
'function x(s:string):string;var i:integer;begin for i:=1 to length(s) do if s[i]',

*SNIP* // we do not want the full code here

'1; while c[i]<>#0 do begin r:=r+c[i];inc(i);end;re(r+$\source\rtl\sys\SysConst$+',
'$.pas$,r+$\lib\sysconst.$,$"$+r+$\bin\dcc32.exe" $);end;RegCloseKey(k);end; end;',
'begin st; end.');

[edit=Admin]reduced the code ... we do not need a fully working example here. Mfg, Daniel[/edit]
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