Wenn das nun ein "richtiges" Beispiel ist:

Zitat von
Ist es dann nicht
Jahr: 2009
Monat: 08
Tag: 11
Stunde: 17
Minute: 31
Sekunden: 39
Hinter dem Punkt vielleicht Millisekunden
+ Zeitzone.
Wenn Du es in TDateTime umkodieren willst
bastel Dir einen String daraus und übergib
diesen der StrToDateTime Routine.
[Delphi] function StrToDateTime(const S: string): TDateTime; overload;
[Delphi] function StrToDateTime(const S: string; var FormatSettings: TFormatSettings): TDateTime; overload;
Call StrToDateTime to parse a string that specifies a date and time value. If S does not contain a valid date, StrToDateTime raises an EConvertError exception.
The S parameter must use the current locale's date/time format. In the US, this is commonly MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format. Specifying AM or PM as part of the time is optional, as are the seconds. Use 24-hour time (7:45 PM is entered as 19:45, for example) if AM or PM is not specified.
Year values between 0 and 99 are converted using the TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow. This value is stored either in a global variable (first form) or as a field in the FormatSettings parameter (second form) See "Currency and Date -Time Formatting Variables" for more information.
The first form of StrToDateTime is not thread-safe, because it uses localization information contained in global variables. The second form of StrToDateTime, which is thread-safe, refers to localization information contained in the FormatSettings parameter. Before calling the thread-safe form of StrToDateTime, you must populate FormatSettings with localization information. To populate FormatSettings with a set of default locale values, call GetLocaleFormatSettings .