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Registriert seit: 24. Mai 2017
Ort: Wien, Österreich
1.238 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Suche: Best Practice - *.dproj und SVN

  Alt 13. Okt 2017, 12:25
a) 4.4.4. Excluding Items from the Commit List
Sometimes you have versioned files that change frequently but that you really don't want to commit. Sometimes this indicates a flaw in your build process - why are those files versioned? should you be using template files? But occasionally it is inevitable. A classic reason is that your IDE changes a timestamp in the project file every time you build. The project file has to be versioned as it includes all the build settings, but it doesn't need to be committed just because the timestamp changed.

To help out in awkward cases like this, we have reserved a changelist called ignore-on-commit. Any file added to this changelist will automatically be unchecked in the commit dialog. You can still commit changes, but you have to select it manually in the commit dialog.

b) Für die Konfig-Files einen eigenen Branch anlegen, der nie gemerged wird.
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