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Registriert seit: 10. Jan 2006
Ort: Offenbach
3.809 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Erkennen wenn Programm "zwangsweise" beendet wird?

  Alt 18. Aug 2017, 14:15
eine drastisch blutrünstige Umschreibung
Es ist aber auch bei iOS ziemlich genau so:
Apps must be prepared for termination to happen at any time and should not wait to save user data or perform other critical tasks. System-initiated termination is a normal part of an app’s life cycle. The system usually terminates apps so that it can reclaim memory and make room for other apps being launched by the user, but the system may also terminate apps that are misbehaving or not responding to events in a timely manner.

Suspended apps receive no notification when they are terminated; the system kills the process and reclaims the corresponding memory. If an app is currently running in the background and not suspended, the system calls the applicationWillTerminate: of its app delegate prior to termination. The system does not call this method when the device reboots.

In addition to the system terminating your app, the user can terminate your app explicitly using the multitasking UI. User-initiated termination has the same effect as terminating a suspended app. The app’s process is killed and no notification is sent to the app.
aus App Programming guide for iOS

tl;dr: Deine App muss so entwickelt sein, daß sie jederzeit abgeschossen werden kann, ohne daß signifikanter Datenverlust auftritt. Das obliegt komplett Deiner Verantwortung.

Geändert von Sherlock (Morgen um 16:78 Uhr) Grund: Weil ich es kann
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