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Registriert seit: 7. Jul 2003
Ort: Stuttgart
163 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Enterprise

Eigene Komponente - Probleme bei Entwurfsansicht

  Alt 20. Jul 2017, 10:38

Ich erstelle mal wieder eine eigene Komponente. Darin sollen SpeedButtons gruppiert werden. Zunächst nahm ich als Basis eine TGroupBox und es hat alles prima funktioniert. Aus Platzgründen kam dann der Wunsch auf per Switch den Groupbox-Rahmen auch ausblendbar zu machen. Leider ging das nicht mit einer GroupBox und so musste ich als Basis ein TPanel nehmen und mit Hilfe eines Labels und Bevels den Rahmen einer Groupbox nachahmen. Generell funktioniert das ganze auch, nur die Entwurfsansicht macht Probleme.

Zwei Dinge bekomme ich einfach nicht in den Griff:
1. Wie leite ich den in der Entwurfsansicht automatisch vergebenen Namen (z. B. SpeedButtonGroup1) auf die Caption des Labels FLabel um? Mit ControlStyle:= ControlStyle-[csSetCaption] kann ich zwar verhindern, dass die Caption des Basis-Panels diesen Namen anzeigt, aber den Namen auf Caption meines Objekts kann ich nicht umleiten.
2. Über die Eigenschaft ShowBorder kann man den Rahmen ein- und ausblenden. Dabei wird bei FLabel und FBevel die Eigenschaft Visible eben auf True oder False gesetzt. Beim Entwurf scheinen sich die beiden Objekte jedoch nur einblenden, nicht aber ausblenden zu lassen. Visible ist zwar auf False, sie werden aber dennoch angezeigt. Kann mir jemand sagen warum?

Und hier der Quelltext:
unit SpeedButtonGroup;


    StdCtrls, Classes, Messages, Controls, ImgList, ExtCtrls;

    TGroupOrientationStyle = (gsVertical, gsHorizontal);
    TOrientationStyle = gsVertical..gsHorizontal;

    TCustomSpeedButtonGroup = class(TCustomPanel)
      FButtons: TList;
      FItems: TStrings;
      FItemIndex: Integer;
      FColumns: Integer;
      FOrientationStyle: TOrientationStyle;
      FButtonSquarish: Boolean;
      FAutoRange: Boolean;
      FReading: Boolean;
      FUpdating: Boolean;
      FSpacing: Word;
      FNumGlyphs: Byte;
      FImages: TCustomImageList;
      FImageChangeLink: TChangeLink;
      FButtonWidth: Word;
      FButtonHeight: Word;
      FShowBorder: Boolean;
      FCaption: TCaption;
      FBevel: TBevel;
      FLabel: TLabel;
      procedure ArrangeButtons;
      procedure ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
      procedure ItemsChange(Sender: TObject);
      procedure SetButtonCount(Value: Integer);
      procedure SetColumns(Value: Integer);
      procedure SetItemIndex(Value: Integer);
      procedure SetItems(Value: TStrings);
      procedure SetSpacing(Value: Word);
      procedure SetNumGlyphs(Value: Byte);
      procedure UpdateButtons;
      procedure SetOrientationStyle(Value: TOrientationStyle);
      procedure SetButtonSquarish(Value: Boolean);
      procedure SetAutoRange(Value: Boolean);
      procedure SetShowBorder(Value: Boolean);
      procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED;
      procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
      procedure WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
      procedure ImageListChange(Sender: TObject);
      procedure SetImageList;
      procedure SetImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
      procedure SetCaption(Value: TCaption);
      procedure Loaded; override;
      procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); override;
      function CanModify: Boolean; virtual;
      procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); override;
      property Columns: Integer read FColumns write SetColumns default 1;
      property ItemIndex: Integer read FItemIndex write SetItemIndex default -1;
      property Items: TStrings read FItems write SetItems;
      property Spacing: Word read FSpacing write SetSpacing default 4;
      property Images: TCustomImageList read FImages write SetImages;
      property Orientation: TOrientationStyle read FOrientationStyle write SetOrientationStyle default gsVertical;
      property ButtonSquarish: Boolean read FButtonSquarish write SetButtonSquarish default True;
      property AutoRange: Boolean read FAutoRange write SetAutoRange default False;
      property NumGlyphs: Byte read FNumGlyphs write SetNumGlyphs default 1;
      property ShowBorder: Boolean read FShowBorder write SetShowBorder default True;
      property Caption: TCaption read FCaption write SetCaption;
      constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
      destructor Destroy; override;
      procedure FlipChildren(AllLevels: Boolean); override;
      property ButtonWidth: Word read FButtonWidth;
      property ButtonHeight: Word read FButtonHeight;

    TSpeedButtonGroup = class(TCustomSpeedButtonGroup)
      property Align;
      property Anchors;
      property AutoRange; // nur bei ButtonSquarish: Buttons werden auf die Fläche verteilt
      property BiDiMode;
      property ButtonSquarish; // Buttons quadratsich oder vollflächig anzeigen
      property Caption;
      property Color;
      property Columns;
      property Ctl3D;
      property DragCursor;
      property DragKind;
      property DragMode;
      property Enabled;
      property Font;
      property Images;
      property ItemIndex;
      property Items;
      property Constraints;
      property NumGlyphs; // wird für die Icons von ImageList benötigt
      property Orientation; // waagerechte oder senkrechte Anordnung der Buttons
      property ParentBiDiMode;
      property ParentColor;
      property ParentCtl3D;
      property ParentFont;
      property PopupMenu;
      property ShowBorder; // Rahmen ein- und ausblenden
      property Spacing; // Abstand zwischen den Buttons
      property TabOrder;
      property TabStop;
      property Visible;
      property OnClick;
      property OnContextPopup;
      property OnDragDrop;
      property OnDragOver;
      property OnEndDock;
      property OnEndDrag;
      property OnEnter;
      property OnExit;
      property OnStartDock;
      property OnStartDrag;

  procedure Register;


    {Dialogs,}  Buttons, Windows, Forms, SysUtils;

  procedure Register;
    RegisterComponents('Beispiele', [TSpeedButtonGroup]);

  function BoolToStr(const b: Boolean): string;
    if b then Result:= 'TRUE'
    else Result:= 'FALSE';

  function BoolToInt(const b: Boolean): Integer;
    if b then Result:= 1
    else Result:= 0;

  { TGroupButton }

    TGroupButton = class(TSpeedButton)
      FInClick: Boolean;
      procedure CNCommand(var Message: TWMCommand); message CN_COMMAND;
      constructor InternalCreate(CheckGroup: TCustomSpeedButtonGroup);
      destructor Destroy; override;

  constructor TGroupButton.InternalCreate(CheckGroup: TCustomSpeedButtonGroup);
    inherited Create(CheckGroup);
    Visible:= False;
    Enabled:= CheckGroup.Enabled;
    ParentShowHint:= False;
    OnClick:= CheckGroup.ButtonClick;
    Parent:= CheckGroup;
    GroupIndex:= 1;

  destructor TGroupButton.Destroy;
    inherited Destroy;

  procedure TGroupButton.CNCommand(var Message: TWMCommand);
    if not FInClick then begin
      FInClick:= True;
        if ((Message.NotifyCode = BN_CLICKED) or
           (Message.NotifyCode = BN_DOUBLECLICKED)) and
           TCustomSpeedButtonGroup(Parent).CanModify then

      FInClick:= False;

  { TCustomCheckGroup }

  constructor TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    inherited Create(AOwner);
    FReading:= True;
    FButtons:= TList.Create;
    FItems:= TStringList.Create;
    TStringList(FItems).OnChange:= ItemsChange;
    FItemIndex := -1;
    FColumns:= 1;
    FSpacing:= 4;
    FNumGlyphs:= 1;
    FOrientationStyle:= gsVertical;
    ButtonSquarish:= True;
    AutoRange:= False;
    FShowBorder:= True;
    FImageChangeLink:= TChangeLink.Create;
    FImageChangeLink.OnChange:= ImageListChange;
    BevelOuter:= bvNone;
    Height:= 105;

    FBevel:= TBevel.Create(Self);
    FBevel.Parent:= Self;
    FBevel.Left:= 0;
    FBevel.Shape:= bsFrame;
    FBevel.Visible:= True;

    FLabel:= TLabel.Create(Self);
    FLabel.Parent:= Self;
    FLabel.Top:= 0;
    FLabel.Left:= 8;
    FLabel.Visible:= True;
// Tut alles nicht! :(
// FLabel.Caption:= Caption;
// FLabel.ControlStyle:= FLabel.ControlStyle+[csSetCaption];
// FLabel.ControlStyle:= ControlStyle;

    ControlStyle:= ControlStyle-[csSetCaption];
    FReading:= False;

  destructor TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.Destroy;
    TStringList(FItems).OnChange:= nil;
    inherited Destroy;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.FlipChildren(AllLevels: Boolean);
    { The check buttons are flipped using BiDiMode }

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.ArrangeButtons;
  var i,RowCount,TopMargin,GBClientHeight,GBClientWidth,ButtonWid,ButtonHei,
       AddLeft,AddTop,ShowBorderInt: Integer;
       DC: HDC;
       SaveFont: HFont;
       Metrics: TTextMetric;
    if not FReading then begin
      DC:= GetDC(0);
      SaveFont:= SelectObject(DC,Font.Handle);

      FBevel.Top:= (Metrics.tmHeight div 2)-1;
      FBevel.Height:= Height-FBevel.Top;
      FBevel.Width:= Width;

      if FShowBorder then begin
        TopMargin:= Metrics.tmHeight+1+BoolToInt(Metrics.tmHeight<16);
        ShowBorderInt:= 1;

        // Notbehelf, weil FBevel.Visible:= False in der Entwurftsansicht nicht tut!
        FBevel.Left:= 0;
        FLabel.Left:= 8;
      else begin
        TopMargin:= 0;
        ShowBorderInt:= 0;

        // Notbehelf, weil FBevel.Visible:= False in der Entwurftsansicht nicht tut!
        FBevel.Left:= FBevel.Width*-1;
        FLabel.Left:= FLabel.Width*-1;

      RowCount:= ((FButtons.Count-1) div FColumns)+1;
      if RowCount=0 then Inc(RowCount);
      GBClientWidth:= Width-((18-FColumns)*ShowBorderInt)-FColumns;
      GBClientHeight:= Height-TopMargin-(7*ShowBorderInt);
      ButtonWid:= (GBClientWidth+FSpacing) div FColumns;
      ButtonHei:= (GBClientHeight+FSpacing) div RowCount;
      AddLeft:= 0;
      AddTop:= 0;

      if ButtonSquarish then begin
        if ButtonHei>ButtonWid then begin
          if AutoRange then AddTop:= ButtonHei-ButtonWid;
          ButtonHei:= ButtonWid;
        else begin
          if AutoRange then AddLeft:= ButtonWid-ButtonHei;
          ButtonWid:= ButtonHei;
      FButtonWidth:= ButtonWid-FSpacing;
      FButtonHeight:= ButtonHei-FSpacing;

      if FOrientationStyle=gsVertical then begin
        for i:= 0 to FButtons.Count-1 do begin
          with TGroupButton(FButtons[i]) do begin
            BiDiMode:= Self.BiDiMode;
            Left:= (i div RowCount)*(ButtonWid+AddLeft)+(8*ShowBorderInt);
            Top:= (i mod RowCount)*(ButtonHei+AddTop)+TopMargin;
            Width:= FButtonWidth;
            Height:= FButtonHeight;
            Visible:= True;
            ShowHint:= Glyph.Width>0;
      else begin
        for i:= 0 to FButtons.Count-1 do begin
          with TGroupButton(FButtons[i]) do begin
            BiDiMode:= Self.BiDiMode;
            Left:= (i mod FColumns)*(ButtonWid+AddLeft)+(8*ShowBorderInt);
            Top:= (i div FColumns)*(ButtonHei+AddTop)+TopMargin;
            Width:= FButtonWidth;
            Height:= FButtonHeight;
            Visible:= True;
            ShowHint:= Glyph.Width>0;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
    if not FUpdating then begin
      FItemIndex:= FButtons.IndexOf(Sender);

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.ItemsChange(Sender: TObject);
    if not FReading then UpdateButtons;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.Loaded;
    inherited Loaded;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.ReadState(Reader: TReader);
    FReading:= True;
    inherited ReadState(Reader);
    FReading:= False;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetButtonCount(Value: Integer);
    while FButtons.Count<Value do TGroupButton.InternalCreate(Self);
    while FButtons.Count>Value do TGroupButton(FButtons.Last).Free;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetColumns(Value: Integer);
    if Value<1 then Value:= 1;
    if Value>16 then Value:= 16;
    if FColumns<>Value then begin
      FColumns:= Value;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetItemIndex(Value: Integer);
    if FReading then FItemIndex:= Value
    else begin
      if Value<-1 then Value:= -1;
      if Value>=FButtons.Count then Value:= FButtons.Count-1;
      if FItemIndex<>Value then begin
        if FItemIndex>=0 then TGroupButton(FButtons[FItemIndex]).Down:= False;
        FItemIndex:= Value;
        if FItemIndex>=0 then TGroupButton(FButtons[FItemIndex]).Down:= True;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetItems(Value: TStrings);

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetSpacing(Value: Word);
    if FSpacing<>Value then begin
      FSpacing:= Value;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetNumGlyphs(Value: Byte);
  var i: Integer;
    if (Value<1) or (Value>4) then Value:= 1;
    if FNumGlyphs<>Value then begin
      FNumGlyphs:= Value;
      for i:= 0 to FButtons.Count-1 do begin
        if (FImages<>nil) and (FImages.Count>i) then
          TGroupButton(FButtons[i]).NumGlyphs:= FNumGlyphs;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.UpdateButtons;
  var i: Integer;
    for i:= 0 to FButtons.Count-1 do begin
      with TGroupButton(FButtons[i]) do begin
        Caption:= FItems[i];
        Hint:= FItems[i];

        if (FImages<>nil) and (FImages.Count>i) then begin
          NumGlyphs:= FNumGlyphs;
          Caption:= '';
          ShowHint:= True;
        else begin
          Glyph:= nil;
          Caption:= Hint;
          ShowHint:= False;

    if FItemIndex>=0 then begin
      FUpdating:= True;
      TGroupButton(FButtons[FItemIndex]).Down:= True;
      FUpdating:= False;


  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.ImageListChange(Sender: TObject);

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetImageList;
  var i: Integer;
    for i:= 0 to FButtons.Count-1 do begin
      with TGroupButton(FButtons[i]) do begin
        if (FImages<>nil) and (FImages.Count>i) then begin
          NumGlyphs:= FNumGlyphs;
          Caption:= '';
          ShowHint:= True;
        else begin
          Glyph:= nil;
          Caption:= Hint;
          ShowHint:= False;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetImages(Value: TCustomImageList);
    if Images<>nil then Images.UnRegisterChanges(FImageChangeLink);
    FImages:= Value;

    if Images<>nil then begin


  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetOrientationStyle(Value: TOrientationStyle);
    if FOrientationStyle<>Value then begin
      FOrientationStyle:= Value;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetButtonSquarish(Value: Boolean);
    if FButtonSquarish<>Value then begin
      FButtonSquarish:= Value;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetAutoRange(Value: Boolean);
    if FAutoRange<>Value then begin
      FAutoRange:= Value;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetShowBorder(Value: Boolean);
    if FShowBorder<>Value then begin
      FShowBorder:= Value;
      FBevel.Visible:= FShowBorder;
      FLabel.Visible:= FShowBorder;
//MessageDLG('FLabel.Visible: '+BoolToStr(FLabel.Visible),mtInformation,[mbOk],0);

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.SetCaption(Value: TCaption);
    FCaption:= Value;
    FLabel.Caption:= Value;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage);
  var i: Integer;
    for i := 0 to FButtons.Count-1 do TGroupButton(FButtons[i]).Enabled:= Enabled;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize);

  function TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.CanModify: Boolean;
    Result:= True;

  procedure TCustomSpeedButtonGroup.GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent);

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