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Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2003
Ort: Berlin
9.847 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Lizenzfrage MariaDB

  Alt 13. Jul 2017, 11:58
Nur wenn du auf DLLs von MySQL/Oracle zugreifst (auch bei Umweg über ODBC oder ADO(.NET) bist du in der GPL-Falle.
Bist du sicher, dass die offizielle Lizenz-FAQ an der Stelle falsch ist?
If you are using a framework that allows you to connect dynamically to different RDBMS systems, any GPL licensed module loaded by the framework will not affect the application. Such frameworks are

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
JDBC (Java Database connectivity)
PHP PDO MySQL driver
The reason the GPL in the MySQL client library would not affect your application in this case is that the GPL client is supporting a standard interface and is thus merely an optional component among many. Your application could just as easily use the framework to connect to a RDBMS other than MariaDB or MySQL.
Sebastian Jänicke
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