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Registriert seit: 25. Apr 2008
Ort: Neunkirchen
771 Beiträge

AW: Eigene Komponente für unvollständige Datumsangaben

  Alt 16. Mai 2017, 13:04
Ja, Enable steht bei allen Komponenten auf True.
Also bei mir lag es am Enabled. Das hier funktioniert bei mir:

unit DateEdit;


    VCL.ExtCtrls, VCL.StdCtrls, Classes, DateUtils, SysUtils, VCL.Controls, VCL.Forms;

    TDateFormatStyle = (fsDDMMYYYY, fsYYYYMMDD, fsMMDDYYYY);
    TFormatStyle = fsDDMMYYYY..fsMMDDYYYY;

    TCustomDateEdit = class(TPanel)
      FDate: Integer;
      FMinDate: Integer;
      FMaxDate: Integer;
      FFormatStyle: TFormatStyle;
      FFourDigit: Boolean;
      FAutoExpansionYear: Boolean;
      FEnabled: Boolean;
      dIndex: Byte;
      mIndex: Byte;
      yIndex: Byte;
      FEdit: Array [0..2] of TEdit;
      function CheckDate(const y,m,d: Word): Boolean;
      procedure SetDate(Value: Integer);
      procedure SetMinDate(Value: Integer);
      procedure SetMaxDate(Value: Integer);
      procedure SetFormatStyle(Value: TFormatStyle);
      procedure SetFourDigit(Value: Boolean);
      procedure SetAutoExpansionYear(Value: Boolean);
      function BoolToInt(B: Boolean): Integer;
      procedure SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); override;
      procedure PanelExit(Sender: TObject);
      procedure FEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
      procedure FEditExit(Sender: TObject);
      property Date: Integer read FDate write SetDate default 0;
      property MinDate: Integer read FMinDate write SetMinDate default 0;
      property MaxDate: Integer read FMaxDate write SetMaxDate default 0;
      property FormatStyle: TFormatStyle read FFormatStyle write SetFormatStyle default fsDDMMYYYY;
      property FourDigit: Boolean read FFourDigit write SetFourDigit default True;
      property AutoExpansionYear: Boolean read FAutoExpansionYear write SetAutoExpansionYear default False;
      property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default True;
      // property Hint: Integer read FHint write SetHint default 0;
      constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
      destructor Destroy; override;

    TDateEdit = class(TCustomDateEdit)
      property AutoExpansionYear;
      property Caption;
      property Color;
      property Date;
      property Enabled;
      property FormatStyle;
      property FourDigit;
      property Hint;
      property MinDate;
      property MaxDate;
      property ShowHint;
      property Visible;

  procedure Register;


    VCL.Dialogs, VCL.Graphics;

  procedure Register;
    RegisterComponents('Test', [TDateEdit]);

  function TCustomDateEdit.BoolToInt(B: Boolean): Integer;
  if B then
    result := 1
    result := 0;

function TCustomDateEdit.CheckDate(const y,m,d: Word): Boolean;
  var dAllow: Integer;
    Result:= True;

    if Result and (m>12) then begin
      MessageDLG('Ungültige Monatsangabe!',mtError,[mbOk],0);
      Result:= False;

    if Result then begin
      if m=0 then dAllow:= 31
      else dAllow:= DaysInAMonth(y,m);

      if d>dAllow then begin
        MessageDLG('Ungültiger Tag im Monat!',mtError,[mbOk],0);
        Result:= False;

    if Result and (y>0) and FFourDigit and (y<1000) then begin
      MessageDLG('Ungültige Jahresangabe! Da FourDigit gesetzt wurde, muss die Jahreszahl 4 Zeichen lang sein.',mtError,[mbOk],0);
      Result:= False;

    if Result and (y>0) and (y*10000+m*100+d<FMinDate) then begin
      MessageDLG('Das Datum ist kleiner als das angegebene Mindestdatum!',mtError,[mbOk],0);
      Result:= False;

    if Result and (FMaxDate>0) and (y*10000+m*100+d>FMaxDate) then begin
      MessageDLG('Das Datum ist größer als das angegebene Höchstdatum!',mtError,[mbOk],0);
      Result:= False;

  constructor TCustomDateEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  var x: Integer;
    inherited Create(AOwner);
    Color:= clBtnFace;
    BevelOuter:= bvNone;
    Height:= 25;
    Constraints.MaxWidth:= Width;
    Constraints.MinWidth:= Width;
    Width:= 85;
    Constraints.MaxHeight:= Height;
    Constraints.MinHeight:= Height;
    UseDockManager:= True;
    OnExit:= PanelExit;

    //Self.Enabled := True;

    ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csSetCaption]; // <- kein Text

    for x:= 0 to Length(FEdit)-1 do begin
      FEdit[x]:= TEdit.Create(self); // <- self
      FEdit[x].Parent:= Self;
      FEdit[X].SetSubComponent(True); // <- SetSubComponent
      FEdit[x].Tag:= x;
      FEdit[x].Top:= 2;
      FEdit[x].Left:= 2+(x*24);
      FEdit[x].Width:= 21+(Trunc(x/2)*12);
      FEdit[x].MaxLength:= 2+(Trunc(x/2)*2);
      FEdit[x].OnKeyPress:= FEditKeyPress;
      FEdit[x].OnExit:= FEditExit;
    dIndex:= 0;
    mIndex:= 1;
    yIndex:= 2;
    Caption:= '';
    Enabled := True; // <- Enabled

  destructor TCustomDateEdit.Destroy;
  var x: Integer;
    for x:= 0 to Length(FEdit)-1 do FEdit[x].Free;
    inherited Destroy;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.FEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
  var w: Word;
    w:= (Sender as TEdit).Tag;
    case Key of
          if (Length(FEdit[w].Text)-FEdit[w].SelLength=FEdit[w].MaxLength-1) and (w<2) then
          if (FFormatStyle=fsDDMMYYYY) and (w<2) and (FEdit[w].Text<>'') then
          Key:= #0;
          if (FFormatStyle=fsYYYYMMDD) and (w<2) and (FEdit[w].Text<>'') then
          Key:= #0;
          if (FFormatStyle=fsMMDDYYYY) and (w<2) and (FEdit[w].Text<>'') then
          Key:= #0;
          if (FEdit[w].Text='') and (w>0) then begin
            FEdit[w-1].Text:= Copy(FEdit[w-1].Text,1,Length(FEdit[w-1].Text)-1);
            FEdit[w-1].SelStart:= -1;
            Key:= #0;
      else Key:= #0;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.FEditExit(Sender: TObject);
  var E: TEdit;
       i: Integer;
    E:= (Sender as TEdit);
    i:= StrToInt(E.Text);

    if FAutoExpansionYear and (E.Tag=yIndex) and (i>0) and (Length(E.Text)<3) then begin
      if i<50 then Inc(i,2000)
      else Inc(i,1900);
      E.Text:= IntToStr(i);

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.PanelExit(Sender: TObject);
  var d,m,y: Word;
    d:= StrToInt(FEdit[dIndex].Text);
    m:= StrToInt(FEdit[mIndex].Text);
    y:= StrToInt(FEdit[yIndex].Text);

    if CheckDate(y,m,d) then FDate:= d+m*100+y*10000;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.SetDate(Value: Integer);
  var d,m,y: Word;
       i: Integer;
    y:= Value div 10000;
    i:= Value mod 10000;
    m:= i div 100;
    d:= i mod 100;

    FEdit[dIndex].Text:= FormatFloat('00',d);
    FEdit[mIndex].Text:= FormatFloat('00',m);
    FEdit[yIndex].Text:= IntToStr(y);

    if CheckDate(y,m,d) then FDate:= Value;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.SetMinDate(Value: Integer);
    FMinDate:= Value;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.SetMaxDate(Value: Integer);
    FMaxDate:= Value;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.SetFormatStyle(Value: TFormatStyle);
  var y,m,d: string;
       i,Pix: Integer;
       IsYear: Boolean;
    if FFormatStyle<>Value then begin
      FFormatStyle:= Value;
      d:= FEdit[dIndex].Text;
      m:= FEdit[mIndex].Text;
      y:= FEdit[yIndex].Text;

      if FFormatStyle=fsDDMMYYYY then begin
        dIndex:= 0;
        mIndex:= 1;
        yIndex:= 2;
      else if FFormatStyle=fsMMDDYYYY then begin
        dIndex:= 1;
        mIndex:= 0;
        yIndex:= 2;
      else begin
        dIndex:= 2;
        mIndex:= 1;
        yIndex:= 0;

      Pix:= 2;
      for i:= 0 to 2 do begin
        IsYear:= i=yIndex;
        FEdit[i].Left:= Pix;
        FEdit[i].Width:= 21+(BoolToInt(IsYear)*12);
        FEdit[i].MaxLength:= 2+(BoolToInt(IsYear)*2);

        if i=dIndex then FEdit[i].Text:= d
        else if i=mIndex then FEdit[i].Text:= m
        else FEdit[i].Text:= y;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.SetFourDigit(Value: Boolean);
    FFourDigit:= Value;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.SetAutoExpansionYear(Value: Boolean);
    FAutoExpansionYear:= Value;

  procedure TCustomDateEdit.SetEnabled(Value: Boolean);
  var i: Integer;
    FEnabled:= Value;
    for i:= 0 to 2 do FEdit[i].Enabled:= Value;

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