Hi SleepyMaster,
der zweite Parameter von UpdateResource beinhaltet den Resourcen-Typ, also einen dieser möglichen Werte:
Value Meaning
RT_ACCELERATOR Accelerator table.
RT_ANICURSOR Animated cursor.
RT_ANIICON Animated icon.
RT_BITMAP Bitmap resource.
RT_CURSOR Hardware-dependent cursor resource.
RT_DIALOG Dialog box.
RT_DLGINCLUDE Allows a resource editing tool to associate a string with an .rc file.
Typically, the string is the name of the header file that provides
symbolic names. The resource compiler parses the string but otherwise ignores the value.
RT_FONT Font resource.
RT_FONTDIR Font directory resource.
RT_GROUP_CURSOR Hardware-independent cursor resource.
RT_GROUP_ICON Hardware-independent icon resource.
RT_ICON Hardware-dependent icon resource.
RT_MANIFEST Microsoft® Windows® XP: Side-by-Side Assembly
XML Manifest.
RT_MENU Menu resource.
RT_MESSAGETABLE Message-table entry.
RT_PLUGPLAY Plug and Play resource.
RT_RCDATA Application-defined resource (raw data).
RT_STRING String-table entry.
RT_VERSION Version resource.