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from TListView to VirtualStringTree

Ein Thema von mohfa · begonnen am 13. Jul 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 13. Jul 2009
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007
97 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

from TListView to VirtualStringTree

  Alt 13. Jul 2009, 17:10
hi i use the following Code with the TListView :
// LV := TListView
procedure TForm1.umQUARPROPMSG(var Msg: TMessage);
  Item : TListItem;
  i : integer;
  res : boolean;
  info : TMyInfo;
  Msg.Result := 1;
  res := Msg.LParam = 0;

    Item := lv.Selected;

    if Item <> nil then begin
      i := Item.Index;
      if Msg.LParam <> 0 then
        Inc(i, Msg.LParam)
        Inc(i, Msg.WParam);

      if (i < 0) or (i >= lv.Items.Count) then
        Msg.Result := 0
      else begin
        Item := lv.Items[i];

        lv.Selected := Item;
        Item.Focused := true;

        if res then begin
          info := TMyInfo(Item.Data);
          with FMyInfo as TMyIndo do begin

            info.GetInfoText(Memo1.Lines, Memo1.ClientWidth -8, Memo1.Font);

            Memo1.SelStart := 0;
            Memo1.SelLength := 0;


But when i apply it with the TVirtualStringTree like this :
procedure TForm1.umQUARPROPMSG_(var Msg: TMessage);
 // Item : TListItem;

  Node: PVirtualNode;
  Data: PTreeData;
  i : integer;
  res : boolean;
  info : TMyInfo;
  Msg.Result := 1;
  res := Msg.LParam = 0;

  // Item := lv.Selected;

    if Node <> nil then begin

     // i := Item.Index;
      if Msg.LParam <> 0 then
        Inc(i, Msg.LParam)
        Inc(i, Msg.WParam);

      if (i < 0) or (i >=vst.TotalCount)then
        Msg.Result := 0
      else begin

       // Item := lv.Items[i];


      // lv.Selected := Item;
      // Item.MakeVisible(false);
      // Item.Focused := true;

        if res then begin
          info := TMyInfo(data);
          with FMyInfo as TMyInfo do begin

            info.GetInfoText(Memo1.Lines, Memo1.ClientWidth -8, Memo1.Font);
            Memo1.SelStart := 0;
            Memo1.SelLength := 0;


that doesn't give the same result .
Is there any error with Code used in VST ?
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Benutzerbild von chaosben

Registriert seit: 27. Apr 2005
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Re: from TListView to VirtualStringTree

  Alt 13. Jul 2009, 18:44
What do you mean with
Zitat von mohfa:
that doesn't give the same result .
Benjamin Schwarze
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. (Isaac Newton)
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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007
97 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: from TListView to VirtualStringTree

  Alt 13. Jul 2009, 19:02
thank you chaosben

i meant the result is not the same as with the TListView .

the code does a TListView auto-scroll from a Second Form where i have 2 buttons ( UP_Scroll and DOWN_Scroll ) of course via the Msg .

the code works good with the TListView and i can see the UP_scroll and DOWN_scroll with IT . but with TVirtualStringTree

if you want i can attache a little sample of IT ?
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Delphi XE5 Professional

Re: from TListView to VirtualStringTree

  Alt 13. Jul 2009, 19:46
tell me what your function should do, please.

i'm sure there is a much simpler way in vst style.
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