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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Delphi für Linux wohl erst ab Enterprise

  Alt 23. Dez 2016, 14:11
Heute kam nun auch bei mir die Werbemail an.

Delphi for Linux is coming. Are you ready?
Delphi for Linux today is the fastest way to develop cross-platform Native Apps with flexible Cloud services and broad IoT connectivity.
Delphi reaches all the platforms that matter, including Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit, macOS, iOS, Android, and Windows 10 Store. This is what you need to do to prepare for Delphi for Linux:
  1. Upgrade to Berlin 10.1.2 Today with Update Subscription: you can join the Linux beta!
  2. Install the Linux Server beta and increase your Linux proficiency
  3. Brush-Up on your Linux Terminal Commands and recall how to configure Apache on a Linux Server. This link provides some practical advice.
  4. Test, Refactor & Migrate Your Code
  5. Get on Enterprise to take advantage of server development

Und zusätzlich doppelt die Werbung für's Holiday Special ... 20% Rabat auf 'ne Architekt-Edition, bzw. 15% auf 'ne Enterprise mit 15 Monaten Subscription.
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