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SOAP und CDATA stored into property

Ein Thema von ijcro · begonnen am 10. Jun 2009
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Registriert seit: 30. Mär 2006
37 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

SOAP und CDATA stored into property

  Alt 10. Jun 2009, 15:22
can anybody help me, please?

I try overwrite my problem simple.

I imported the wsdl and one property from other is declared as widestring (like replacement for ANY predict). And there any xml has to be stored. It can be stored as cdata <![CDATA[…]]>.

But when is xml covered into cdata, request is mantled during httprio works, some characters are replaced like &xx -&gt or &lt or other.

Please, how prevent the replacement or how tell to httprio no convert it? Must be the wsdl changed or imported interface?

Thank you for any answer!
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