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Der schöne Günther

Registriert seit: 6. Mär 2013
6.190 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Update 2 für Berlin ist da!!

  Alt 15. Nov 2016, 10:36
Update 2 requires a full uninstall and reinstall.
Nein! Doch. oooh.

PS: Alter Schwede, die Quick Edit-Geschichte sieht aber nicht übel aus!

PPS: Auch wichtig:
Note: When the installation finishes, you are prompted to uninstall Windows SDK, select Cancel. The version of the Win SDK included in Update 2 is required to build applications for the Windows 10 Store, but can co-exist with the previous version.
RAD Studio Berlin Subscription Update 2 contains new versions of the Platform Assistant installers (including setup_paserver.exe and PAServer18.0.pkg). The installer files are located in the PAServer folder.

Geändert von Der schöne Günther (15. Nov 2016 um 10:40 Uhr)
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