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Benutzerbild von Uwe Raabe
Uwe Raabe

Registriert seit: 20. Jan 2006
Ort: Lübbecke
11.575 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: MAX_PATH - Wie Datei kopieren oder Path kürzen?

  Alt 10. Sep 2016, 14:15
Nochmal zum Nachlesen: Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces

The Windows API has many functions that also have Unicode versions to permit an extended-length path for a maximum total path length of 32,767 characters. This type of path is composed of components separated by backslashes, each up to the value returned in the lpMaximumComponentLength parameter of the GetVolumeInformation function (this value is commonly 255 characters). To specify an extended-length path, use the "\\?\" prefix. For example, "\\?\D:\very long path".
Da in den Delphi-Unicode-Versionen in der Regel immer die Unicode-Variante der Windows-API verwendet wird, sollte das eigentlich immer funktionieren.
Uwe Raabe
Certified Delphi Master Developer
Embarcadero MVP
Blog: The Art of Delphi Programming
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