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Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

AW: TFilestream in Schleife funktioniert nur einmalig

  Alt 2. Aug 2016, 16:26
Reportmemoryleaks ist gecheckt und es gibt keine Lecks.
Dasselbe Problem taucht auch auf wenn man mit idHTTP auf einer Form einen Responsestream über .Post mit angibt.

Hier ist die Unit...

unit httpThread;


  Classes, SysUtils, Dialogs, Forms, Controls, ShellAPI, Windows,
  IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdHTTP, IdURI, IdCookieManager,
  IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, IdIOHandlerStack, IdSSL, IdSSLOpenSSL, IdCoder,
  xmldom, XMLIntf, msxmldom, XMLDoc;

  http = class(TThread)
    { Private-Deklarationen }
    fhttp: TIdHttp;
    fUser, fPass, fHardwarekennung, fURL, fcfg, fsrc, fsalt: string;
    procedure Execute; override;
    constructor Create(User, Pass, Hardwarekennung, URL, cfg, src, salt:widestring);


uses main, downloadForm, languageStrings, passwordForm, functions, debug;

constructor http.Create(User, Pass, Hardwarekennung, URL, cfg, src, salt:widestring);
  inherited Create(False);
  FreeOnTerminate := true;
  fUser := User;
  fPass := Pass;
  fHardwarekennung := Hardwarekennung;
  fURL := url;
  fcfg := cfg;
  fsrc := src;
  fsalt := salt;

procedure http.Execute;
var s,sFilename,pfad,s1:string; nlist,flist:iXMLNodeList; cfgdata: tstringlist; PHPXML: IXMLDOCUMENT; sFile: TStream; fparams, currentList:tstringlist; i:integer; Handle1:THandle; fileStream:THandleStream;
  phpxml := NewXMLDocument;
  fhttp := TIdHTTP.Create(nil);
    fhttp.HandleRedirects := True;
    fhttp.AllowCookies := True;
    fhttp.ReadTimeout := 15000; //Sonst Timeouts auf > Windows 8 BSystemen
    fhttp.IOHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(fhttp);

    s := fhttp.Post(TIdURI.URLEncode(fURL), fparams);

    try PHPXML.LoadFromXML(s); phpxml.Active := true; except end;

    if not PHPXML.IsEmptyDoc then
      if (phpxml.DocumentElement.HasChildNodes) then
          nlist := phpxml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;
          if (nlist.FindNode('problem') <> nil) then
            if (((nlist.FindNode('blocked') <> nil)) and (nlist.FindNode('blocked').Text>'0000-00-00 00:00:00')) or (((nlist.FindNode('removed') <> nil)) and (nlist.FindNode('removed').Text>'0000-00-00 00:00:00')) then begin try DeleteFile(PChar(fcfg)); except end; Application.Terminate; end;
             Queue( procedure begin showmessage(language.Label1.Caption) end ); //'Username or password not valid. Please check your input.'

          //Neues Password TODO
          //if (((nlist.FindNode('newpassword') <> nil)) and (nlist.FindNode('newpassword').Text='1')) then Form12.ShowModal;

          //XML Verschlüsseln und Speichern
          try DeleteFile(PChar(fcfg)) except end;
          try Queue( procedure begin Form1.xml.LoadFromXML(Form1.IdDecoderMIME1.DecodeString(nlist.FindNode('cfg').Text, SysUtils.TUTF8Encoding.UTF8));
              cfgdata := tstringlist.Create; try cfgdata.Text := functions.Encrypt(Form1.xml.XML.Text, fsalt + fUser + fPass + fHardwarekennung); cfgdata.SaveToFile(fcfg); finally cfgdata.Free; end; end );
          except end;

          //Versionscheck und ggf. Download der aktuellen Version
          if (nlist.FindNode('version') <> nil) then if (phpxml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.FindNode('version').Text <> GetVersion) then if (MessageDlg(language.Label4.caption + phpxml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.FindNode('version').Text + '!' + #13#10 + language.label5.caption, mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, 0) = mrYes) then
            sFilename := extractfilepath(paramstr(0)) + 'update.exe';
            try deletefile(PChar(sFilename)) except; end;
            sFile := TFileStream.Create(sFilename, fmCreate);
              fparams.text := 'RPC=update';
              fhttp.Post(TIdURI.URLEncode(fURL), fparams, sFile);
            ShellExecute(handle,'open',PChar(sFilename), PChar(''),'',SW_SHOWNORMAL); ///SP- /VERYSILENT

          //CONTENT UPDATE
          currentList := tstringlist.Create;
            functions.FindAllFilesUnix(currentList,fsrc,'*',true,false,true,true); //Dateiliste erstellen

            s1 := phpxml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.FindNode('filelist').XML;

            for i := currentList.Count-1 downto 0 do
              s := copy(currentList[i], length(fsrc) + 1);
              s := copy(s, 0, pos(#255, s)-1);
              if (pos('\', s) < 1) and ((extractfileext(s) = '') or (lowercase(extractfileext(s)) = '.xml')) then continue; //APPDATEN: Übergehen - Dateien ohne Endung, Dateien mit Endung XML

              s := copy(currentList[i], length(pfad) + 1);
              s := copy(s, 0, pos(#255, s)-1);
              if (pos('>' + s + '</file>', s1) < 1) then Deletefile(PChar(s)); //löschen

            flist := phpxml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.FindNode('filelist').ChildNodes;

            Queue ( procedure begin Form2.log('flist.count: ' + inttostr(flist.Count)); end);
            for i := flist.Count-1 downto 0 do
              if (pos(flist[i].NodeValue + #255 + flist[i].Attributes['timestamp'], currentList.Text) > 0) then continue; //Datumsvergleich
              Queue ( procedure begin Form2.log('entry ' + inttostr(i) + ': ' + flist[i].NodeValue + #255 + flist[i].Attributes['timestamp']); end);
              sFilename := extractfilepath(paramstr(0)) + flist[i].NodeValue;
              sFile := TFileStream.Create(sFilename, fmCreate);
              //Handle1 := CreateFile(PChar(sFilename), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
              //fileStream := THandleStream.Create(Handle1);
                fparams.Text := 'RPC=download';
                fparams.Add('file=' + flist[i].NodeValue);
                fhttp.Post(TIdURI.URLEncode(fURL), fparams, sFile); //sFile fileStream
                SetFileDate(sFilename, UnixToDateTime(flist[i].Attributes['timestamp']));

        //Applikation laden
    end else Queue( procedure begin showmessage(language.Label2.Caption); {problem connecting server} {TODO Offline Modus starten}  end );
    try fparams.text := 'RPC=logout'; fhttp.Post(TIdURI.URLEncode(fURL), fparams); except end;

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