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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Algorithmus für Text zu Polygon/TPath (Vector)

  Alt 25. Jul 2016, 14:38
Hallo Milos,

hier ist noch ein "grober" Versuch Text in einen Pfad zu rendern unter FMX.
Jedenfalls hatte ich immer Probleme mit dem Scaling untern verschiedenen Plattformen,
und auch davon einen Screenshot zu machen hatte diverse Probleme.
Mit viel manuellen Korrekturen läuft es, aber ob es auf allen Geräten gleich aussieht kann ich nicht garantieren.

Ich will den Text erst im 0,0 Punkt mittig zentrieren,
dann drehen und verschieben, und
an die finale Position positioinieren.
Das alles mit den Matrizen.

Vielleicht hilft dir das ja auch it´rgendwie weiter.

procedure TS4Shape.PaintToLayout_Text(Canvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRectF);
  ptS, ptE, ptC: TPointF;
// sAng: Single;
// mtrx: TMatrix;
// mtrxOfs: TMatrix;
// sAngL: Single;
  F_Arm : Single;
  len : Single;
// mtrxTrn: TMatrix;
// mtrxRot: TMatrix;
// rcText: TRectF;
// szBmp: TSizeF;
// MState: TMatrix;
// ptVP: TPointF;
// sSclC: Single;
// sSclCP: Single;
// sSclP: Single;
// sSclB: Single;
// sSclSC: Single;
  pd: TPathData;
  ang: Single;
  rcImg: TRectF;
  lenOfs: Single;
  sHeight: Single;
  rcTxt: TRectF;
  sScale: Single;
  mat: TMatrix;
  sSclScrn: Single;
  sSclCan: Single;
  sSclBmp: Single;
  bOrientH: Boolean;
  FScrn: IFMXScreenService;
  sGetScrnScale: Single;
  sTxtFak: Single;
// bIsTablet: Boolean;


// New Approach 24.04.16

    if FShapes.IsSuppressText then
      Exit; // Don'T want Text here

    sGetScrnScale := 1.0;

    if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService( IFMXScreenService, FScrn) then
      sGetScrnScale := FScrn.GetScreenScale;

      FScrn := nil;

    // New Approach 24.04.16
    pd := TPathData.Create;


        if (FText <> '') and
           (FSelPtsTextIdx[0] >= 0) and
           (FSelPtsTextIdx[1] >= 0) then

          rcImg := RectF(0, 0,
                         Min(Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height),
                         Max(Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height)

          if Canvas.TextToPath(pd,
// RectF(0,
// 0,
// Min(Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height),
// Max(Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height)),
                              ) then

            ptS := FSelPtsList.Items[FSelPtsTextIdx[0]].Position.Point;
            ptE := FSelPtsList.Items[FSelPtsTextIdx[1]].Position.Point;

            len := ptS.Distance( ptE );

            if len >= 10 then

              // Retrieve ScreenOrient
              bOrientH := TS4View_Manager.Orientation_Current_IsPortrait;

              ang := ptS.Angle( ptE ) + Pi; // As Radian

              ptC := (ptS + ptE) / 2;
              if FSelPtsList.Count >= 3 then
                FSelPtsList.Items[2].Position.Point := ptC
                ptC := ptC;

  // FLine.Center.Offset ang + Pi/2; // Turn 90°
// if bOrientH then
                F_Arm := ang - Pi * 0.5; // 90° direction angFac; // - for L-Arm + for R-Arm
// else
// F_Arm := ang + Pi * 0.5; // 90° direction angFac; // - for L-Arm + for R-Arm
  // len := TextSize * sSclB * sSclP * FShapes.ScaleShapes * 1.0;
  // mtrxOfs := TMatrix.CreateTranslation(Cos(FL) * len, Sin(FL) * len);

// rcImg := RectF(0, 0, Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height);

              pd.FitToRect( rcImg );
              lenOfs := pd.GetBounds.Height;

              sSclScrn := sGetScrnScale;
              sSclCan := Canvas.Scale;
              sSclBmp := FShapes.GetImgViewCtrl.Bitmap.BitmapScale;

              sHeight := rcImg.Width; // Min(Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height );
              sHeight := sHeight / 6;

// sHeight := 40;
// sHeight := 80;
// sHeight := 80;

              sHeight := 40;
              sHeight := 20;

              if sSclScrn <= 2 then
                sHeight := sHeight * 1.5;
                sHeight := sHeight / 1.5;

              if not FShapes.IsInMakeScreenshot then
                sHeight := sHeight * sSclScrn;

              rcTxt := RectF(0,0,
                             len * sSclScrn,
                             sHeight * sSclScrn); // Height/Size of Text

              sTxtFak := 1.5; //!!! Hier ist der Faktor der die Größe bestimmt ??

              if FText.Length >= 3 then
                sTxtFak := sTxtFak * (Min(Max(FText.Length, 2), 10) / 6); // Get TextLen dependend Factor
                lenOfs := lenOfs * 0.95;
                sTxtFak := sTxtFak * (Min(Max(FText.Length, 1), 10) / 7); // Get TextLen dependend Factor
                lenOfs := lenOfs * 0.80;

              rcImg.FitInto(rcTxt, sScale);
              if sScale > 0.0 then
                sScale := Max(0.1, 1 / sScale) * sTxtFak
                sScale := Max(0.1, 1 / 1.0) * sTxtFak;

              lenOfs := 1.05 * lenOfs * sScale;

              mat := TMatrix.Identity;
              // Center at 0/0
              mat := mat * TMatrix.CreateTranslation( -rcImg.Width /2, // -Canvas.Width /2,
                                                      -rcImg.Height/2); // -Canvas.Height/2 );
              // Scale to TextRect
              mat := mat * TMatrix.CreateScaling(sScale, sScale);
              // Rotate to TextRect
              mat := mat * TMatrix.CreateRotation( ang ); // ang );

              // Translate OffCenter, to Upper Line
// if bOrientH then
                mat := mat * TMatrix.CreateTranslation( Cos(F_Arm) * lenOfs,
                                                        Sin(F_Arm) * lenOfs);
// else
// mat := mat * TMatrix.CreateTranslation( Cos(F_Arm) * lenOfs * 4,
// Sin(F_Arm) * lenOfs * 4);

              // Translate to TextRect Center
              mat := mat * TMatrix.CreateTranslation( ptC.X, // + rcTxt.Width /2,
                                                      ptC.Y // + rcTxt.Height/2 );

              pd.ApplyMatrix( mat );

              Canvas.Stroke.Color := Canvas.Fill.Color;

              Canvas.FillPath( pd, 1);
              Canvas.DrawPath( pd, 1);








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