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Registriert seit: 15. Mär 2004
Ort: Bäärlin
109 Beiträge

Re: If a and b and c and d... Geht daas überhaupt in Delphi

  Alt 26. Mär 2004, 14:23
Zitat von Luckie:
Liegt es eventuell an diesem Konstrukt:
maxLeft^ = (cxImage -1) Was willst du denn da vergleichen?


procedure GetROI_CAL_RGB_VIS
(prgb: pRGBTRIPLE; //Pointer to first pixel
 cxImage, cyImage:integer; //Width, Height   of total image
ShowBoundingBox, //if !0, Bounding Box is drawn
ShowROIHistogram: boolean; //if !0, ROI Histogram is drawn
roiPosArray: pInteger; //Array   containg ROI positions
roiMask: pBoolean; //Mask,pixel[i]   is in ROI if roiMask[i]
minLeft, maxLeft: pinteger; //Vertical Bounding   Box   Scanlines
minTop, maxTop: pinteger; //Horizontal Bounding Box Scanlines
numROIPixels: pinteger; //number of pixels contained in ROI
Check4Rect: boolean; //1 = check for ellipse and rectangle, 0 just ellipse
fROICutOffLevel: single); //ROI minimal Histogram presence
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